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The Grass Was Dead on the Other Side WARNING: Do NOT read this post if you plan on being proud and rejecting what you read! Hell will be hotter for you. DO CONTINUE to read if you have a soft and humble heart. This post contains a VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE.  Amen.  Isaiah 40:6-8, " The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." I always wanted to be a princess. All of my young girl dreams were filled with royal princes, fighting knights, dancing ballerinas, handsome kings, and beautiful queens. A dreamer by nature, with a wild imagination (runs in the family), I spent my youth dressing up, dancing, and playing “princess” games with my sisters. Castles were incredible to me ...

She Shall Be Called Woman (Pure Femininity)

Greetings beloved family in Christ. :) Grace, mercy, and peace be unto you!
I hope you all are well. I'm doing better than I deserve for sure.

So I have this blog post stirring up in me and found some time to do it tonight. Isn't that great? :)
Delicious inspiration.

In this generation I find that there are a lot of false balances when it comes to women. You see the make-up queen-fashion addicted-jezebels on what hand and then you see the tomboy-(or even lesbian!) redneck-ugly girls on the other. There's also the "Christian" girls who push the limit as far as they can, or even the Christian ladies who believe in absolute plain dress, zero make-up, and no jewelry.
Are you in any of those categories?
I want to be the young lady who portrays the proper (and Biblical) balance when it comes to the way I dress, act, etc.

Now when I was younger I was a little bit wild and crazy, but only when I was outside (climbing trees, exploring concrete sewage drains, running around with bird feathers in my braid like an Indian maiden, rolling down grassy hills, pretending to be out on the prairie, and making mud cakes in the dirt). But as soon as I was back inside my "feminine lady-like side" came out. I played baby dolls up until I was thirteen almost everyday. I used to literally get them up every morning, dress them, feed them, play with them, take them everywhere in a baby carrier or toy stroller, give them baths, buckle them in the car, and put them back to bed at night. I remember one time passionately praying that my baby doll would turn real so I could have a "real" baby to take care of. (Yes, like I said before, I am slightly "baby crazy".)

I also really enjoyed: dressing up like a ballerina or princess and I would twirl around and around while pretending that I was SO beautiful and graceful; having a tea party with my millions of stuffed animals; holding "wedding ceremonies" where my doll married the teddy bear; and all sorts of games that I'd invent with my imagination. I was very "girly-girl" but not the "wear tons of jewelry-act boy crazy-and be super stylish" kind of girl. I've never been one for lots of jewelry or super fancy clothes (If I do wear jewelry it has to be small), and I 've never been "boy crazy." Actually I thought boys were- for the most part -gross when I was younger (not my Dad and brothers though!), and as I got older I found out that most of them still are "gross" (sadly). They were kinda fun to play with, but I was so shy I hardly ever did play with boys unless my brothers were there too, and usually they'd pick on me. ha ha 
I have always wanted to be married, have kids, and be a keeper at home (thanks to AWESOME training from my parents). Actually, when I was really little I was convinced that I was going to marry my Dad! (I mean he was the most perfect guy! Who else could compare? lol) But my Mom gently broke it to me one day that he was NOT my future husband and told me God would bring me a spouse that would probably be like my Dad.

So, the point is this: yes I do like "camo", and being out in the country, and working hard, and a nice sweaty game of basketball. BUT, I also like acting feminine and mature, wearing pretty clothes, looking nice and smelling good, and sitting up straight. It's a "paradox" I guess. *Smile*
I mean, I can't be super beautiful when I'm out working a lawn! I don't look too nice when I have sweat pouring down my face, dirt getting under my finger nails, mud smearing on my clothes, and leaves intertwining into the depths of my hair (somehow, someway they get there).
But, I am a lady. So I don't try to be as dirty, smelly, and gross as I can be. Sometimes after getting home from work I just want to "feel like a lady again" so I'll fix myself up. My little siblings will be like, "Hope, where are you going?"
"Ummm, nowhere...."
"Why are you getting all dressed up then?"
"Because I feel very ugly right now and want to at least feel like a feminine young lady again."
Weird looks and lots of whispering begins....

They just don't understand! ha ha


Pure femininity.

What comes to your mind when you think of those two words?
Here's several pics that remind me of those words:

I think of a godly, pure, strong, hard working, lovely lady. Like I said, it's a paradox. There's a time to get dirty, work hard, and get your hands calloused (my hands are FAR from soft sadly.... ha ha), but also a time to be truly feminine. You are NOT a man. Don't act like one. Don't dress like one. Don't try to be as masculine as you can be. Strive to be as feminine as you can!
That's also another reason why I dress modestly. I want to be as feminine as I can and have a distinct difference between me and a guy. The Bible says that a woman should not wear that which pertaineth to a man, and to put on modest apparel (see: 1 Peter 3, Titus 2, and Deuteronomy 22:5).

I know there's jezebels who cake on make-up and wear horribly immodest clothes and you may say, "Well, they're "feminine". But, not only should we be feminine but also MODEST.
Modest in the way we dress.
Modest in the way we wear make-up.
Modest in the way we act.
Modest in the way we wear jewelry.
I don't think woman should be ugly, wear plain clothes, and not care about how they look. I do think it should be a proper balance of lovely and pure femininity mixed with modesty, shamefacedness, and true beauty from The Lord. You don't want to be either extreme.
Read Proverbs 31 and tell me that she did not care about herself! She wore fine tapestry, silk, and purple. But, a LOT more is said about her spiritual strength and virtues then her physical appearance. A woman who fears God will be praised MORE than just a beautiful woman.
You will read in the Bible when it will say "So and so" was very fair to look upon, of a beautiful countenance, had no spot or blemish, etc. But you'll also read a LOT more about people's SPIRITUAL qualities rather than physical.
Do aim to be as close to God as you can and as PERFECT and as pure spiritually as you can, but let all that purity shine out in the way you dress, look, and act as well!

 We were called "Woman" (by Adam but I think God approved the name... Though God called their name Adam).
He made us different from men.
Sweeter, weaker, more emotional, curvy, pure, and just feminine.
Be feminine. Be lovely. Be beautiful. Be a pure princess.

But don't let those things (such as emotions) run you. Let the Spirit of God guide you and direct you in your life.
Don't go piling on the make-up and say it's "feminine". Don't go putting on a mini skirt or bikini and say it's "feminine". Yes, they might be "feminine- but you are also required to be MODEST.
(Plus, piles of make-up is actually ugly looking anyways!)

BE FULL of the Holy Ghost, joy, and The Lord's purity and see how it affects the way you look. Your eyes will be shinier, you'll be more attractive (to the RIGHT kind of guy), and You'll have a chance to give God the glory with your life.

If you want a guy worth getting then don't go trying to attract all the lustful jerks out there. Aim to be purely feminine.
You'll get a REAL man if you act like a REAL woman.

What happened to the days of blushing, innocence, purity, beautiful yet modest dresses, lovely hair styles, sitting up straight, pretty lace, natural beauty, talking sweetly, and flowers intertwined in the hair?

Why does it have to be tight jeans are feminine (really?), loud and obnoxious talking for a female is normal, bold/thick make-up makes you gorgeous, blushing is stupid and awkward, purity and innocence is to be mocked and scorned, chopping all the hair off is cute (not!), and stupid fashions that the world creates are to be liked and worn by all females everywhere? Why?
As a Christian young lady does the world decide how you should be as a female? I don't think so.

Amy Carmichael said, "Be dead to the world and it's applause. To all the customs, fashions, and laws of those who hate the humbling cross."

Well, let me end with a few more thoughts....

I really like my purity ring. I just do.
It has a message written on it that is somewhat cheesy (that's the Christian book store for you) but there's two words that I always see every time I look at my left hand because of the way they curved the ring and the way it sits on my finger. I read, "Stay Pure" every single time I look at my hand and I think that it is a great reminder!
And that's one thing you as a Christian young lady should always remember. STAY PURE.
There's actually a Bible verse that commands, "Keep thyself pure".
So, as I close this post remember some things:
Be feminine. Don't be jezebel (VERY unattractive). Be a woman. Be HOLY. And STAY PURE.

Your sis in Christ,
~Hope Jerusalem<3
Romans 8:18


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