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The Grass Was Dead on the Other Side WARNING: Do NOT read this post if you plan on being proud and rejecting what you read! Hell will be hotter for you. DO CONTINUE to read if you have a soft and humble heart. This post contains a VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE.  Amen.  Isaiah 40:6-8, " The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." I always wanted to be a princess. All of my young girl dreams were filled with royal princes, fighting knights, dancing ballerinas, handsome kings, and beautiful queens. A dreamer by nature, with a wild imagination (runs in the family), I spent my youth dressing up, dancing, and playing “princess” games with my sisters. Castles were incredible to me ...

"The Price of a Princess" (My long awaited story!)

“The Price of a Princess”
Written and Illustrated by, Hope J.E.H.
I           Introduction:
First off I want to give all glory to my Beloved Prince and King- Jesus Christ (that name is SOOO beautiful! It does something to me every time I hear it. Sigh).  When starting out this story He gave me this verse: Proverbs 16:3 “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.” And so I committed this story unto him and He helped me write it.

This story is basically an allegory of the love story between Jesus (as the Bridegroom) and us (as His bride). The “Seducer” in this story can be a real person or any type of “lover” that can steal your heart away from the true lover of your soul.
In writing this story I want to encourage you to cultivate an intimacy with Jesus that you’ve probably never discovered before. Jesus desires to be our EVERYTHING and our LIFE and not just a tag along “buddy’ that you just slip into your life when it’s convenient.
I also want to encourage you to not leave your first love.
So with that said, please enjoy this short story.

NOTE: Sorry about the weird gaps between some of the pictures... My blog had been acting crazy, and it won't let me fix them without deleting the pics! Strange....

                           “The Price of a Princess”

Once upon a time there was a girl who fell in love with a super handsome Prince. Oh yes, when she first met Him she was so madly in love.

The day was unforgettable. Here she was struggling in the mud all dirty, ugly, lifeless, dull, filthy, and polluted in her own blood and yet, the Prince’s dove like eyes looked at her with compassion, love, and intense admiration. She certainly wasn’t worthy of a pure, holy, and handsome Prince such as He was! But he pulled her out of the mire and gently led her to a field where he declared his unquenchable and everlasting love for her. He showed her, and opened her eyes to behold His ultimate love gift and sacrifice- His life.
Could it be? Her mind raced and her dead stony heart suddenly sparked at the thought. The girl decided to repent from her sins and believe in Him. It was true! He washed her with His blood making her white as snow, He clothed her in pure lily-white robes, and then He took out her heart of stone and placed a beautiful new heart of flesh in its place. She was a new creature! He even gave her a new name, “You will be called Princess Purity from this day forward!” The happy Prince said placing a sparkling crown upon her head and jewels about her neck.
 Yes, she was head over heels in love. He was SO handsome. He loved her SO much. He continually told her how beautiful and fair she was. The new ecstatic Princess had His lily whiteness sparkling from her very being.

But then, beyond all reason, she began to take His love for granted. She still declared, “I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine.” But she had stopped pursuing her lover Prince and was starting to slowly drift away from her first love; in her moment of weakness the enemy attacked. Another man came to her and she blindly went after him.

She began to foolishly pursue another “lover”. It started so subtly that Purity wasn’t even aware that this new lover was stealing her heart and pulling it away from her true Prince. Oh he was seductive, sly, and sneaky. Oh how he gazed at her with seemingly innocent blue pools of “love”. But it really wasn’t true love; it was only “lust.” The desire of “lust” is to get, but the desire of true “love” is to give. And all he wanted was to “get”. He flirted, teased, and basically forced her into loving him. He ended up consuming all of her time, energy, thoughts, and love. He called to her, he drew her away, he told her that he loved her and was even willing to give up his very life for her. His life. Why did those words sound familiar to Purity? That wicked Seducer was just a great deceiver. He really didn’t mean any of the words he told her. But she was held under his bewitching spell as he led her farther and farther away from her betrothed lover. Her heart aching Prince asked her to draw near, he knocked on her door, and He begged for her to come and give Him everything and thus be fulfilled. But she had made a mistake. She had made the mistake of not giving her Prince her all, her life, her will, and her everything. He actually wanted to be her life.

But Purity’s flesh pulled towards the charming Seducer. He was nice, he was funny, he had a great personality, and he even had a cute boyish smile. He passionately declared his love for her. It sounded nice. Maybe she could trust him with her delicate heart. Her feminine desire was to be found beautiful and to be loved, but when she slowly drew away from the true lover of her soul she went looking for fulfillment in the wrong place. Instead of finding it in the author of pure love and beautiful romance, she searched for it in another’s unworthy eyes. And when the seducer failed to satisfy her intense longings and cravings, well, she just went to other lovers as well. They also stole her time, heart, money, and thoughts. She started to have other gods in her life such as music, sports, television, and shopping.
Foolish Purity didn’t realize it, but she was slowly drifting away from her Prince. The seducer convinced her that he loved the Prince too, and maybe he really did. He said that he sought after her true Prince’s heart, and maybe he really did sometimes. But it still drew the youth’s heart away.
Whereas her thoughts used to dwell on images of her handsome Prince’s face, amazing love, and wonderfully romantic love letters; now they were filled with the seducer’s flirtatious smiles, lustful gaze, and shallow letters.
She was deceived. She fell for him. She was in rebellious sin. She followed her emotions, and piece by piece she unknowingly but willingly gave the seducing jerk her heart, which he greedily devoured. She “confessed” to him that she loved him as well. But was it true love?

People in her life warned her. They pointed out the fact that the seducer was just a flirt who led multiple girls on at once. But the girl tried to protect him and remained willingly ignorant. No! He loved her. Didn’t he? And then when Purity least expected it the unthinkable happened. After the flirtatious seducer stole her heart, took her love, and used her for his selfish pleasure. After he won over and gained all her innocence, trust, time, energy, and thoughts. Well, then… then… he betrayed her. He proved that he really did not love her. He was just a master manipulator.

Purity awoke from her blind and mindless stupor only to realize that she was left all alone. Alone! Dreadfully alone! She was left with a torn, shredded, and bleeding heart. She was left with a broken trust. And as time began to slowly jerk forward a jagged and ugly scar began to form; struggling to mend the broken and shattered pieces.

She was heart broken.
Memories flooded her mind. Laughter, love, jokes, blue eyes, letters, fun times, and teases tormented her with their seemingly unforgettableness.
Purity tried in vain to forget him (I mean he really didn’t love her!) but she still had those “pleasurable” recollections. She still had that part of her heart gone and lost forever, the silly “love” lingering persistently and stubbornly, the words that made and broke her heart, the innocence gone, the trust completely broken, the awful shame of  her sin and rebellion, and her ugly disgusting scar.
And then another’s face filled her mind. Could it be? The Prince? Really? He wouldn’t want her back now would he? She was afraid to face him. What if he told her that she was too impure? And if he did want her back what if he asked her to give or to do something that she was unable to do? What if he never wanted her to have an earthly romantic love story? What if he called her to live the life of a dreary spencer?
All these questions plus many more swirled through the girl’s confused mind. But secretly, down in the depths of her broken heart, she dared to hope that he would want her back, forgive her, and love her. Would he accept her repentance?

Purity walked out into the crisp fall air and sat down dejectedly on a bench. Her long brown hair fell like soft blinds around her face as she looked dismally at the ground.
She was broken. She was depressed. She was hopeless and downcast. She had forgotten her first love.
She sat still and listened to the leaves softly falling. Silence. Tears trailed down her cheeks as she buried her face in her hands. Sobs began to rack her body and all she could do was cry her eyes out. “I’ll never be the same person!” She cried regretfully. “I’ll never trust another guy with my heart! I can’t go through this heart break again!” Suddenly she heard the crunching of leaves and through her tears she could make out a familiar figure. Purity gasped. It was the Prince! “May I sit here?” The Prince asked with a voice full of comfort, hope, love, and compassion. She nodded her head and he sat down. After a few moments of silence she finally brought herself to look into those well known dove-like eyes. Her heart skipped a beat as she timidly glanced up. How could she forget those depths of intimate love pouring forth radiantly? His eyes were gorgeous! The Prince gently reached to her face and wiped the trails of tears away. He than gazed longingly into her eyes, told her how much he had missed her, and than caressed her face before dropping his hands into his lap. “Come back to me my love!” He pleaded. Purity tried to convince him that she was too impure, her heart was a mess, she was an unfit vessel for him to dwell in, but it was all in vain. She looked back into those eyes and saw tears. His heart was weeping over hers! He loved her anyways. He said that he saw her repentance and he completely forgave her. “Come back to me my love! I can mend your broken heart completely and no jagged and ugly scars will be left. I want you to remain as my betrothed Princess, and soon, I want to make you my fair Bride.” Why did Purity try to protest? He only reasoned and persuaded more. “I love you.” He said simply. “And I cherish you with my entire being!” And as the broken Princess gazed back into the love filled depths she saw that it was indeed true. Her heart sparked a little. It was true! So completely and entirely true! He still loved her. A real Prince.

Over the next few weeks, as her mind hung in the balances, He was the perfect gentlemen. He never manipulated or forced her into accepting his love. He understood everything she was going through. He had been through the same betrayal, hurt, and suffering that she was enduring as well. Purity just couldn’t understand why she was so reluctant. It was like her flesh was still trying to hang on to her former “lover”.  She felt so guilty when she thought of how faithful he had been to her and how unfaithful she had been. She thought she was just too unworthy for him. Her Prince was always there for her though. Completely ready to heal up her brokenness and pour out all of His love upon her. If only she would just let him…

One night, as the sun was setting, Purity went walking along a beach shore to meditate and ponder some of her Prince’s most recent words to her. She was neither afraid nor surprised when a well known figure walked up to where she was standing at the water’s edge letting the foamy waves pull at her feet. She was used to her Prince showing up just when she needed Him most. He didn’t say anything and Purity didn’t either because she knew full well that her Prince knew everything she was thinking. She slowly began to walk along the shore and he fell in step beside her. He reached down and grabbed her hand and she could feel his eyes penetrating right down to her soul and spirit.
 “Trust me.” He gently whispered. “I know that your dreams are dashed, your world is shattered, and all your hope is dying. I see your brokenness, loneliness, weeping, desperation, heart ache, sighs, trials, and those hot tears when you silently cry yourself to sleep at night. I love you!” He than pointed towards the sand that was sparkling in the dimming light and said, “Do you see the sand?” Purity’s eyes ran across the shimmering masses and then she gazed back up at her Prince. “Yes…” She said cautiously. He smiled at her tenderly and then said, “My thoughts towards you are more numbered than the sand. I catch all your tears in my bottle, and all the hairs on your head are numbered. I’m here for you, and you can trust me.” Purity only wept in reply.

For Purity the next few days were filled with her Beloved Prince proving his charity for her, inviting her to be healed, and opening her eyes to his glorious love letters. He never flirted, teased, or seduced her into loving him. He only gently pursued her heart. And as she began to spend more time with Him she became aware of the price; the price of becoming a true princess and bride; the price of getting the Prince’s most intimate love. And that price was for Purity to give her amazing Prince everything; her life, her will, and her entire broken and scarred heart so He could make it whole again. He wanted her to actually become His bride, to build her entire life and existence around him, and to have no other gods before him. He wanted her to trade in her wishes, her thoughts, her plans, her ambitions, her dreams, and her will, into his wishes, his thoughts, his plans, his ambitions, his dreams, and his will for her life, which were far better than her own. And as Purity meditated on the price and counted the cost the realization dawned that not only was it completely worth it but it didn’t even seem like a fair enough trade! His gift was so incredible, so amazing, and so full of intense love. He was offering his life, his blood, his sacrifice, his rewards, and his indescribable love! And what did she have to offer? Her sinful flesh, rebellious will, selfish desires, and broken and sloppily mended heart. She thought about the trade all night, getting absolutely no sleep.  And than she finally made up her mind…

 She had decided. Her mind was made up. She ran through the streets looking for him. Where was her Beloved? And than all at once she saw Him. Her altogether lovely Prince was standing in a field by a crystal pool of water feeding his flock of sheep lovingly. He looked so handsome! The sun was just rising casting a golden glow on the field and creating almost bluish highlights in her Prince’s bushy raven black hair. The pool was just a mass of shimmering sparkles and dancing sunbeams that playfully flickered along the surface of sky colored water. He looked like light himself and his body, face, and pure white robes were glowing with an intensity that could have blinded some.
Purity stood hesitantly on the top of the flowery hill. She was awestruck by the beauty of her Prince. She was mesmerized. Words could not describe how she was feeling at this moment. No. There was NO way she was ever going back now! There was NO way she was ever going to leave her first love again! She flew down the grassy slope and fell at his feet weeping and begging for forgiveness. She lay her life down on the altar of sacrifice and he willingly made his abode in her, now, holy and spotless sanctuary.
Her Prince lifted her up tenderly. “Oh my love and my Bride!” He cried with incredible passion. “You are forgiven!” Princess Purity held unto him and would not let him go. Why had she forgotten his intimate love? There was no place she’d rather be than right there in his strong arms for all eternity! He held her next to his beating heart, wrapped her in his arms of love, and kissed her with the kisses of his mouth. He was so tender, so loving, and so poetic. She wept tears of pure joy; joy unspeakable and full of glory. And than she realized that it wasn’t her joy but actually his joy radiating through her. She had his very spirit overflowing within herself! Purity was just held in awe, amazement, and wonder by her true lover. “The most romantic and faithful lover of my soul is mine!” She thought dazed with rapturous delight. “The author of romance has wooed and won my heart and he is worthy of it! So worthy! Oh he loves me! He loves me! He loves me!” Purity was dancing around the field to the delight of her Prince and than she ran up to him saying over and over, “I love you! I love you! I love you!” Her Prince was laughing his melodious laugh and Princess Purity giggled with sheer pleasure. “In his presence is fullness of joy, and at his right hand there are pleasures forevermore!” She thought as her heart was rejoicing at the words. All she could do now was worship and praise him. How else could she explain this kind of unexplainable joy, love, and adoration she felt towards her Saviour? “You are beautiful my love, my dove, my undefiled.” Her Prince’s voice was incredibly jubilant. “Turn your eyes away from me for they have overcome me!” Her eyes had overcome him? She couldn’t believe it! She now had his light reflecting out of her hazel eyes and his beauty radiating out of her. Now to Purity that old seducer seemed like a cheap copy cat, a Wanna-be, and a mimic of the real lover of her soul. No one was to compare with her Warrior-Poet, Best friend, and Beloved Saviour and Prince- Jesus Christ! And when he whispered beautiful words into her ear she had absolutely no doubt in her mind that he loved her purely, rightly, and vehemently. “You are all fair my love.” He whispered looking longingly into her sparkling eyes. “There’s no spot in you. I put my banner of love over you, and all my desire is towards you my sister, my spouse. You are mine! Purchased by my blood, bought with a price, and I see you as my pure, lily- white, and precious jewel.”
Purity’s heart lurched and swelled and all she could think about was how much she loved and adored him with all her heart, soul, strength, mind, and body. She was thrilled when her Prince told her that he’s been preparing a mansion for her and that he is going to come again and take her to his kingdom as his spotless bride to dwell with him forever. He warned her to continually abide in him, seek him, and draw even closer to his heart. “Build your whole life around me and don’t just throw me in when it’s convenient.” He cautioned. “Live as my Princess who has taken on my name as her very own. You are “Princess Purity Christian”, remember?”
She smiled lovingly and nodded her agreement. “I have great things for you to accomplish for my kingdom. Be a light and a witness to others in this dark world. Tell them about their forgotten lover! Tell them about an eternity with me and how they can get their sins washed away and become fulfilled royalty. No more searching for “love” in the world.” Purity understood that search all to well. She was so excited to go tell others about her Saviour because that was all she could dream of, think of, and talk about! She loved him SO much and definitely wanted others to meet her Beloved groom. She knew it wouldn’t be easy to convince others to leave their fake lovers. She herself had been so uncertain and skeptical at first, though she now knew that that was all so foolish. “He is so unpopular and unloved by many!” She thought sadly. How could she make these people understand that by forsaking everything, everything they were only gaining something FAR better! Life eternal over death eternal? Who could or would refuse? But so many did! Over true joy and amazing love they chose masked pleasure and fake “love.” It was so sad to Purity. For her to live is Christ and to die is only gain. Because He is worthy. So worthy. He must increase and she must decrease.

Her Prince also challenged her with a new thought. “Can you offer me your future love story?” He asked gently. “Am I not enough to you? Don’t I fulfill your deepest longings?” And so she did give him the pen to her love story with full faith that her Prince would bless her. Purity realized that he was indeed enough and she wrote a poem about it. She named it “He Is Enough.” It goes as follows:                            
          “He Is Enough”

“Am I not enough?” I hear
As my feminine heart cries out to above
And then the realization dawned,
My heavenly Groom is passionately in love!

Yes I want an earthly prince,
But as I wait ever so patiently,
I fulfill a better love story
With a man who loves me intimately.

A man who gave His life for me,
And found me polluted in my blood.
A man who deeply cares for me,
And consumes me like a flood.

As He wraps me in His warm embrace
And calls me by His name,
I feel safe, secure, and truly loved,
And I feel no sin, remorse, or shame. 

I call this man by many names
Whether it be “Beloved,” “My friend,” or “Mr. Right.”
But there’s one name I love most of all,
He’s wonderfully called, “Jesus Christ.”

He’s the lover of my soul,
And my well Beloved friend.
I know I’ll NEVER leave Him,
I’ll be faithful to the end.

He’s my super handsome Prince,
And He has radiant gorgeous eyes.
As he penetrates deep into my soul,
It’s then I fully realize.

He sees my as His beautiful virgin!
He calls me His jewel and fair dove.
He kisses me with the kisses of His mouth,
And His banner over me is love.

I need to practice serving Him,
And stop believing Satan’s lies.
To become a lovely Help-meet
I must see what I prioritize.

To truly love my future husband well
I must put my sweet Saviour first.
Because only He fulfills my deepest desires,
And quenches my dry heart’s thirst.

And although I do daydream
About a romantic love story someday,
I know that I can trust my Lord,
And with Him I’m content to stay.

“Yes you are ENOUGH my Love!”
To God I vehemently yell.
And as His words fall on my ear,
My heart begins to swell.

“I adore you my Bride.” He says.
“You know I cherish you so.
I wish everyone would love me
Because it breaks my heart to know,

That I died to save this people
And I can purge them from their sin.
They can be fulfilled and quenched
Just by repenting and letting me come in!

I put the desire for love there
But they try to find it in another’s eyes.
But as you know, only I can fulfill
Those yearnings and heart cries.

So live for me my darling
And for eternity you will abide.
You will bask in my adoring smile,
And be adorned as my beautiful bride.

And please go tell others
About this dream come true.
I wish a lot of people would,
But sadly, my real followers are few.”

And as I diligently faithfully wait
For my earthly Beloved friend
I’ll read God’s beautiful love letter to me,
And sacrificially serve Him to the end.

Her Prince honored her heart and wishes, and when he saw that she looked to him to fulfill her deepest romantic longings only than did he let her know that he would indeed fulfill her desire for an earthly Prince as well. “I know that you can trust me with your heart, and I will bring you the BEST earthly Prince that you deserve my Love. Remember, my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor my ways your ways. Trust me and lean not into your own understanding. Acknowledge me in all your ways and I WILL direct your paths. You know that I am capable of bringing you a man after mine own heart. A man who seeks me with all of his heart is going to be attracted to a woman who seeks me with all of her heart.” Purity understood that her Prince Jesus desired for her to have an earthly love story and she knew that he would bring her just the right one. She just worked on being “Miss. Right” instead of looking everywhere for “Mr. Right.” So that way, when “Mr. Right” did come along she would be ready. She once heard someone say this, “A Woman’s heart should be so caught up in God’s that a man has to seek HIM in order to find hers.”  And she heard someone else say, “God leaves the best with those who leave the choice up to Him.”

Princess Purity continually drew nearer to the heart of her Prince, building her entire life and existence around him, spending precious time with him, becoming intimately acquainted with him, pursuing his heart, knowing him, and falling all the more deeply in love with her Saviour and best friend. Had her desire for an earthly love story diminished? No. Actually it was quite the opposite! It only continued to grow deeper each day but she sought her fulfillment in her Prince’s eyes and heart and not in a flirtatious seducer’s.
She enjoyed worshipping her Beloved on her guitar, seeking him early in the morning, encouraging others to serve him with all their hearts, teaching others out of his beautiful love letter, and spending almost every waking moment meditating and talking about Him.
She told others about her Saviour, she street preached and witnessed to the lost, served her Prince, and learned to serve and love others with his joy and love. Her life was SO fulfilled because Jesus was her life.

She also started to faithfully write future love letters to her future earthly Prince. These letters portrayed her heart and how she was waiting faithfully, purely, and completely sold out and basically “already taken” by her future husband who she’d still never even met. She actually loved her future husband though she had never even seen him, and she prayed for him every single day.  One day she felt inspired to compose a poem to him:

“To My Future Husband”

Dear Beloved future Prince,
This is your future wife.
I’m so excited to meet you
When God brings you into my life

Just to think you’re out there somewhere!
I wonder what you’re doing today
Do you ever think about me?
I think about you every single day.

As I look at the starry night sky
And gaze at the bright full moon
I think about your beautiful eyes
Looking at the same things I do

I often think of your unselfish love
And of that precious heart waiting just for me
It reminds me to keep my standards high
To carefully guard my priceless gift of purity.

Even though I don’t know who you are
I love and cherish you so
I am committed to faithfulness
To the world’s ways I’ll never go!

I admit, sometimes it’s discouraging
When I can hardly find true masculinity
But I still have that spark of hope
And I’ll keep guarding my pure femininity

I wonder if you ever get downcast
When all you see is whores and Jezebels
“Where are all the pure princesses?!” You may cry
“Are they just in the fairy tales?”

I wish that I could encourage you
And tell you that I’m waiting faithfully
And I guess in a way I already do
By praying for you continually

Although I cannot see you
I know that our God can
I have full faith and trust
That He’s growing up my godly man

I pray that you’ll be like Adam
And fall into a deep sleep
That your focus will be on pursuing God
And let Him awaken you with me

Since you are a man of God
I know that my purity you will love
That encourages me to wait
And to keep pursuing God above

Sometimes I feel just hopeless,
Impatient, lonely, or depressed
But that’s when I run to Jesus Christ
And I always walk away feeling blessed

I wonder if you get lonesome some nights
Do you ever just cry out to our King?
I wish that I could wipe away your tears
And remind you of the sweeter song we sing

It’s neat to think that you’re praying for me
I wonder if you write future love letters too
I fervently pray that no girl will steal your heart
And I’m saving mine as a treasure just for you

I live as if I’m already taken
I’m taken by you my Beloved
I’m not as “eligible” as it seems
I’m truly just a one-man-woman

Just to know that God can see you now
And that He has a romantic plan
And to think- He’ll bring us together
In the most perfect way that only God can

I’m so excited for the day
When I can hear your authoritative voice
Preaching the glorious gospel
And with compassion reaching the lost

It’s gonna be so neat serving The Lord
By the side of my best friend
We’ll both be so in love with God
And be willing to give our lives up for Him

The biggest enemy of the best is the good
So I’m waiting for the very best
I know that you’ll be striving for perfection
And when you find me I’ll be so blessed!

Sometimes I imagine what you look like
Your name or personality
But no matter how you act or look
I know that you’ll be perfect to me

It’s gonna be so neat to behold
Your sparkling eyes of love
Reflecting the glorious light of Jesus
Our first love and Prince above

You’ll be my perfect Warrior-Poet
Exuding the stunning beauty of our King
I’m already so madly in love with you
Can you imagine how it’ll be when we meet?!

I know that my true beauty you’ll see
Because you’ll know that a woman who fears God
Is a jewel with a price above rubies
It’s a beauty that’s not a fake fraud                

And now I must say good-bye
But oh I look forward to the day
When we’ll never be apart
And together we will always stay

My commitment to you is steadfast
To your heart I will remain true
Always, from now, till forever
My Beloved Prince, I LOVE YOU!

And than one day as she was battling in a war for souls trying to persuade and pull lost souls out of the fire with fear and compassion she noticed a Warrior-Prince fighting right beside her.
It appeared that he just came into her life simply out of nowhere.
She than began to watch him for the next couple of weeks. There was something different about him that wasn’t like all the other guys she had ever known. He wasn’t your “average Joe.” He wasn’t mediocre. He didn’t seek female approval or try to flirt with every girl who walked by. As a matter of fact, she noticed that he treated all girls with purity. His interactions with them were very limited and very guarded. He carried himself with the mindset that he was “already taken” by his future wife.
She discreetly took notice that he was running right beside her in that crazy race of life! She watched him proclaim the gospel with a strong authoritative voice to a lost and dying world. She observed him getting beat, persecuted, and shamed, and than watched him rise up out of it, all the more ready to fight the fight of faith, and standing even stronger against the enemy. His testimony caused her to cry out before God with tears because she was so convicted by his willingness to lay down his life for his love (Jesus). He didn’t hold his life dear to himself. He hazarded his life for the name of Jesus Christ. He counted it a joy to suffer shame for His name, and he was clearly not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ!

She was further intrigued when she saw him seeking God for hours, praising her Beloved with all of his heart, seeking and saving that which is lost, studying God’s amazing words, loving lost souls, becoming a fool for Christ, not looking to please man but only to please Her Prince in all areas, unselfishly serving others above himself, loving his family, listening to her dad with attentiveness and a readiness of mind to learn more, encouraging the weak to get stronger, preaching the word of God, acting sober, portraying set-apart masculinity, and always humble enough to hear a rebuke or correction when needed. When she did see his radiant blue eyes for the first time she was struck by the fact that they were sparkling with the same dove-like LIGHT and lion-like PASSION that she’d only seen in her first Prince. They were not like the dull blue eyes of the nasty seducer who had stole her heart so long ago! This man was not a seducer or a flirt. He never tried to draw attention to himself but only continually pointed her back to her first love and Saviour-Jesus Christ. He was a true gentleman, and Princess Purity noticed that not only did he build his life around Jesus Christ but he also exuded her Prince’s amazing qualities! Whenever she was around this godly guy she was inspired to learn more about Jesus, fall all the more in love with her Prince, and to seek his heart even more. This guy was almost “too good to be true” and it was only because his life was that of hers: his life was Jesus. Yes, he wasn’t totally “perfect” but by God’s Spirit he was striving to reach perfection and was encouraging his sister in Christ to reach it as well. He treated her with all respect and purity. He was godly, pure, holy, Christ-like, amazing, humble, and a true “Warrior-Poet” just like her first love. Her heavenly Prince had named him “Warrior and Prince Faithful” and that explained him perfectly.

Purity began to wonder if he could indeed be her future beloved Prince and so she began to earnestly pray and diligently seek her heavenly Prince’s will in this matter. She also talked to her parents (who had her heart and trust) for advice and much needed wisdom and counsel and they all committed it to diligent prayer and fasting. Purity and her parents held a high regard for this true man of God.
Purity was unaware that Prince Faithful had taken notice of her as well. She had no idea of the high regard he was holding of her. He wasn’t just “physically” attracted to her though he noticed that her beauty was an out flow of her Saviour. He saw the light of Jesus just radiantly sparkling out of her hazel eyes and her very being with a lily whiteness that contrasted with the dark world so shockingly. His first attraction to her was her intense joy that reflected in her face, and her love, adoration, and sold out purity for her Prince. He noted her chaste conversation, modesty, shamefacedness, sobriety, and meek and quiet spirit. It was almost mysterious to him how she found a quiet joy in whatever she was doing. She was always serving someone or lending a helping hand with a smile on her face, she always seemed to be content, and she genuinely enjoyed her lot in life. Her servant’s heart inspired him to want to esteem others all the more as “better than himself” like the Bible said. He observed her seeking God with a diligence, weeping before God in prayer, praising him with all her heart, having a willingness to serve others, portraying a joy in serving her Saviour, and he watched her brokenness before God. He noticed and became very intrigued when he watched her doing what he loved to do: passionately proclaiming the gospel to the lost and dying world. He was almost beside himself with joy when he realized that he was not the only one who loved studying God’s words, praying for hours, encouraging others in the race, and becoming a fool for Christ. He watched how she lived sold out for Jesus, how she was so evidently head over heels in love with her Prince, and how she was in the world just not of it. He saw how she lived as if she was “already taken” by her future husband, and how she treated all guys with respect and purity. He began to really notice what a jewel and priceless virgin she was when he saw how she was waiting faithfully for her future husband even though everyone around her mocked her purity. He was almost shocked at himself for letting himself get discouraged in believing that there were no Pure Princesses out there that he could ever marry. He was seeing a living and breathing example of a beautiful, vibrant, and amazingly pure Princess right before his eyes!

And God slowly began to open his eyes and show him that she was indeed the “one” that he had been waiting for. He fell passionately and deeply in love with her, and every time he was around her she inspired him to become even more Christ-like, Warrior-Poet like, truly masculine, God fearing, STRONG and steadfast for Jesus, and more ON FIRE for God (because it’s the encouraging words of princesses that can help shape princes). He was determined to undertake the challenge of pursuing and winning the heart of this beautiful, holy, godly, set-apart, and pure Princess. God showed Him that HE had initiated their meeting. God told him that because the both of them had the faith and trust to believe that He was indeed capable enough to provide a godly spouse He had honored that. It was a match made in heaven.

And when the timing was just right, and after much prayer, advice, and wisdom from Jesus and his parents Prince Faithful approached her father for permission to court Princess Purity. They all agreed and so thus they began their relationship. But their relationship wasn’t your typical one. In a worldly relationship the focus is on two people- the girl and the guy, they throw “purity” out of the window, and mock anything sacred and holy. They decided that they didn’t want that at all so they built their relationship on Jesus Christ and serving others. Jesus was their center focus. It may not sound too romantic but whenever they were together they kept their focus on studying God’s words, praising God together, praying and seeking God together, reaching out to the lost, serving their families and others, talking about what Jesus had been doing in their lives, sharing testimonies, and focused on keeping themselves emotionally and physically pure for one another. Purity didn’t just open her heart and hand it over first thing. She let Warrior Faithful go through the delicate process of carefully winning her heart, gaining her trust, and gently pursuing her until she knew that he was worth the incredible jewel of her priceless heart. He acted just like a true gentleman should; he diligently pursued her but never pushed her to give her heart away prematurely. Instead of pulling her down in the relationship Prince Faithful was only pushing her closer and closer to her first love.

Everyone around them noticed how they were so unselfish in their love one for another. They esteemed others better than themselves. They didn’t just go hide off in their own little “love bubble” but they included everyone into their relationship. They also kept themselves accountable to their parents treating their budding relationship with fear and caution, knowing that something as sacred as “marriage” should never be taken lightly. They also knew that they were examples to all there younger siblings in their families, and a testimony to the world around them.

And so they truly did live “happily ever after” because when they did get married it was a perfect picture of Christ and his bride.
 Their relationship had a solid foundation on Jesus, and their love for one another was just an outflow of their unified love for their Saviour. Also, they both had their love letters that they exchanged on their honeymoon and it was such a testimony to them how the Lord had kept them pure and helped them wait faithfully for each other. Purity also gave her husband her “purity ring” on their wedding day and Warrior-Prince Faithful felt so special for being the only guy that Princess Purity saved all of her emotional and physical love for. He knew about her past escapade with the wicked “Seducer” but he forgave her with the forgiveness of God because he knew her repentant heart and how pure and holy she was now. Even though she may have given away some of her heart before, in Faithful’s mind she had saved EVERYTHING for himself and that was good enough for him. He knew that God had given her a new pure heart and he loved and cherished that Princess with everything within himself.

And their marriage was incredible! It was not a mediocre or “normal” marriage with a love that dies after the honeymoon.
Everyone around them noticed how they grew closer and more in love with God, thus growing closer and more in love with one another; how they served God hand in hand; how their eyes sparkled with the light, love, and joy of their Saviour; how they pressed on and ran the race with perseverance; how they fought the good fight of faith together; how they trained up their kids in the right ways; how they loved lost souls and desired to see them saved; how the Lord used them as a fruitful “team” in spreading the Gospel; how Purity loved, served, respected, and submitted to her husband just like she did to her first love Jesus; how Faithful washed Purity in the water of the word, treated her as the weaker vessel, and loved her as himself; how what an example of true Christians they really were; and how they looked at the sky and watched, waiting for the soon return of their first love- Jesus Christ.

And then when Jesus did return to take them unto himself for all eternity, well, let’s just say that they had a Heavenly King who was honored to bring them to His wedding feast. Let’s just say that their joy was totally and completely full. And let’s just say that they really could boldly declare that, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, and I have kept the Faith.”



  1. Beautiful story!!! Please,keep on being on FIRE for JESUS!!! And, with your passion for GOD...your path will meet a GODLY man..who has like or even more passion for GOD!!!.....GOD BLESS you always in JESUS NAME.AMEN!!!

    1. Bless you dear sis! It encourages me to see that you agree. :)
      Yes, by faith I believe that God is raising up my beloved prince. I just need patience, and to also keeps focus on Jesus (my first love).
      May our hearts ALWAYS be on fire for Him!
      May Jesus richly bless you dear soul.


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