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The Grass Was Dead on the Other Side WARNING: Do NOT read this post if you plan on being proud and rejecting what you read! Hell will be hotter for you. DO CONTINUE to read if you have a soft and humble heart. This post contains a VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE.  Amen.  Isaiah 40:6-8, " The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." I always wanted to be a princess. All of my young girl dreams were filled with royal princes, fighting knights, dancing ballerinas, handsome kings, and beautiful queens. A dreamer by nature, with a wild imagination (runs in the family), I spent my youth dressing up, dancing, and playing “princess” games with my sisters. Castles were incredible to me ...

I found my Mr. Right!!!!!

I have such exciting news to tell you guys! I have found my "Mr. Right!"
It's soo neat how we met and how our love story is growing more and more everyday. <3<3<3

We had been friends for a long time but I'd never thought of Him in a romantic way until that one moment where it "clicked." ha ha I actually first met him on (October 25- tomorrows date) 5 years ago. I'll write the story in just a second.
He never tried to force me to like him or seduce me into loving him.
He was always the perfect gentleman (and still IS) treating me with respect, ALL purity, NEVER flirting, and only gently pursuing and winning my heart. And he has proved that he is SOOO worthy of my heart! No other man will EVER compare to him and his sweet intimate love. <3
He is the most lovely romantic man in the universe and he makes me feel SOOO incredibly loved and adored. He is the best example of masculinity that I know, EXTREMELY godly, totally set-apart, VERY holy, and he loves helpless souls and seeking and saving that which is lost just like me! He is literally my PERFECT future husband and Well-Beloved Prince.
It's so incredible to me that such a man actually loves and cherishes me with such intensity!
I don't feel worthy of him but he constantly tells me that I am. It's amazing.

He Loves me SOOOO much, he writes me love letters that are like poetry, he talks to me ALL the time, he tells me how beautiful I am, he's such a "Warrior-Poet", he's PERFECT, he's the MOST handsome Prince in the world, and we're actually engaged! I don't know the date but we should be getting married someday (hopefully soon!).

I'm so excited and I hope you all can meet him very soon! He's simply amazing and I'm soooooo MADLY, PASSIONATELY, and HEAD-OVER-HEELS IN LOVE with Him!!!!
And he's more In love with me than I am with Him! He's willing to give up his very life for me (and I for him).
And he has the most amazing name ever, and I get to take it on as my very own.
     Guess what His name is....


                          ....JESUS CHRIST!!! And this is how we met:

Did I shock you?
(I have realized that I have never shared my testimony with you all and so that's what I'm about to do. I just figured it'd be fun to fool you all for a little bit and make y'all think I actually met my "earthly Prince"! ha ha I'm sorry, but I do like to play jokes and pranks on people. *mischievous grin* I wanted to do this testimony tomorrow -the actual date- but we will be VERY busy so it won't work out.)

On October 25, 2008 when I was laying on my bed contemplating the idea of "hell" and how I'd most likely miss the rapture that I truly realized my need for a Saviour. I had always grown up in an AMAZING Christian home but I had thought that "growing up in a Christian home" was probably enough to get me into heaven. Well It wasn't. And I soon realized my mistake when the Lord started convicting and drawing my heart. I decided right then and there (on my bed) that I wanted Jesus to be the ruler of my life. I repented of my sins, asked Jesus to forgive me, and I believed on Him with ALL my heart. And He answered that prayer! I felt this amazing feeling of peace literally wash over me and I was SOOOO happy!

But, over the years I kind of got near to God and then drew away. It wasn't until I began witnessing and street preaching to lost souls did I really become closer to God. I first began to witness after I went to see an evangelist named "Mark Cahill" back in March of 2012. ( is his website) He convicted me and challenged me to get out there and REACH THE LOST! My brother was also very instrumental in helping me start witnessing (of course my parents were FIRST OF ALL!). But my brother got me to witness for the first time by saying he would be right there the whole time and then of course he left me there all by myself (which was really good for me because it forced me to come out of my "comfort zone" and get into God's "comfort zone").  ha ha
Ever since, I've grown more and more Spiritually with Christ and I have MORE of a love for lost souls who are dying left and right and going to hell for all  ETERNITY.
And as of late I've been challenged to become more intimately in LOVE with my sweet, sweet Saviour and to encourage others to as well. There's no earthly man who can EVER compare with Him! I know lots of girls struggle with patience in waiting for that "Prince Charming" (I know I do!)but if you seek fulfillment in Jesus it WILL be so much easier. I found this out the hard way and I want you all to realize the secret to being perfectly fulfilled. Yes I desire to have an earthly Prince (Lord willing) someday but right now I'm content with God and know that he is indeed ENOUGH! Here's a poem I wrote talking about that very subject:

                         ~HE IS ENOUGH~

“Am I not enough?” I hear
As my feminine heart cries out to above.
And then the realization dawns,
My heavenly Groom is passionately in love!

Yes I want an earthly prince,
But as I wait ever so patiently,
I fulfill a better love story
With a man who loves me intimately.

A man who gave His life for me,
And found me polluted in my blood.
A man who deeply cares for me,
And consumes me like a flood.


As He wraps me in His warm embrace
And calls me by His name,
I feel safe, secure, and truly loved,
And I feel no sin, remorse, or shame.

I call this man by many names
Whether it be “Beloved,” “My friend,” or “Mr. Right.”
But there’s one name I love most of all,
He’s wonderfully called, “Jesus Christ.”

He’s the lover of my soul,
And my well Beloved friend.
I know I’ll NEVER leave Him,
I’ll be faithful to the end.

He’s my super handsome Prince,
And He has radiant gorgeous eyes.
As he penetrates deep into my soul,
It’s then I fully realize.

He sees my as His beautiful virgin!
He calls me His jewel and fair dove.
He kisses me with the kisses of His mouth,
And His banner over me is love.

I need to practice serving Him,
And stop believing Satan’s lies.
To become a lovely Help-meet
I must see what I prioritize.

To truly love my future husband well
I must put my sweet Saviour first.
Because only He fulfills me deepest desires,
And quenches my dry heart’s thirst.

And although I do daydream
About a romantic love story someday,
I know that I can trust my Lord,
And with Him I’m content to stay.

“Yes you are ENOUGH my Love!”
To God I vehemently yell.
And as His words fall on my ear,
My heart begins to swell.

“I adore you my Bride.” He says.
“You know I cherish you so.
I wish everyone would love me
Because it breaks my heart to know,

That I died to save this people
And I can purge them from their sin.
They can be fulfilled and quenched
Just by repenting and letting me come in!

I put the desire for love there
But they try to find it in another’s eyes.
But as you know, only I can fulfill
Those yearnings and heart cries.

So live for me my darling
And for eternity you will abide.
You will bask in my adoring smile,
And be adorned as my beautiful bride.

And please go tell others
About this dream come true.
I wish a lot of people would,
But sadly, my real followers are few.”

And as I diligently faithfully wait
For my earthly Beloved friend
I’ll read God’s beautiful love letter to me,
And sacrificially serve Him to the end.

Be blessed dear family in Christ! I love you all! <3
Have a great weekend. :)


  1. Oh Hope you inspire us all to fall in love with the Lord Jesus Christ all over again! Thank you for letting the Lord lead you to write this! How wonderfully would God move if more teens loved the Lord as you do! God bless you little sister in Christ! <3

  2. Praise God Aunt Wendi! I'm SOO glad The Lord could use me to encourage you dearest sister. :) Be blessed.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, precious! And praise the Lord for all inspiration.
      I remember going through a tough time of surrender to the Lord when that was written…
      It’s always Better to let Jesus write our love stories than ourselves. Always. ❤️❤️❤️


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