Hello folks! :)
I want to say thank you soo much for your prayers! My wrist is feeling 89% better, and I am now able to type with out extreme pain. I have to admit that doing everything with my left hand for a couple of weeks was challenging yet- kinda fun. :) BUT, I now appreciate my right hand all the more.
Wow. I have had a fun/stressful/weird/crazy/tiring day!
First off, we looked out our windows this morning to see the "DEA" and a bunch of police with shields, guns, etc. surrounding our neighbors house! Nice way to start your morning right? We had been suspecting that our neighbors were doing drugs, but we weren't sure (plus with a houseful of kids everyone has a GOOD imagination, and simple little acts can get twisted into crazy and unrealistic stories. SO... we were trying to remain "realistic" with the whole idea).
Anyways, my Dad had been praying (on Sunday) that God would strengthen the police and just everyone involved with "the law" (per-se), and to help them catch criminals, etc. Well, God really answered that one. :) I hope all those people REPENT and I pray that all that wickedness will be stopped for good.
Then I spent the day working hard with my Dad and his business. It's a blessing having this AMAZING family staying with us because they have been really helping us a lot. :) I really feel a little lazy because I haven't been doing
as much work as I usually do. *smile*
Then, as the parents needed to have an important discussion (and my other three siblings who would normally help me were gone), I had to babysit 5 kids (ages 12 to 10 months I think) and make dinner and have it done by a certain time (due to time constraints.). I'm VERY glad God made women with this amazing ability to "multi-task" otherwise I would have been a wreck! ha ha
I was running around making hot chocolate with marshmallows for the kiddos (you gotta win their hearts! ha ha), making dinner with a baby on my hip, had another baby screaming because a kid took a toy, trying not to burn food, giving out instructions on how to
properly change a diaper, putting "praise baby" on for the restless toddler, trying to keep the others from being bored, making plates, keeping them quiet and in one place so they wouldn't disturb the adults, getting two babies into high chairs and fed, etc. etc. It was hectic! ha ha
I now have a lot more respect for all those moms who have 6 kids 10 and under! ;)
Okay! Now for some fun. :) Some "Awkward and Awesome moments in my life recently....
- So I was out with my Dad and my brother when he decided that he wanted to stop in a gas station and get a drink. It just so happens that this particular gas station has been nicknamed the "Ghetto gas station" by my family and I because it is notorious for having weird and suspicious characters hanging around it. So naturally I was a little apprehensive about going in, but I definitely was NOT going to let my bro go in by himself and Dad was busy getting gas. "We will have definitely have an adventure!" I laughed, as my brother agreed with me. Here's the story....
First, as we are walking up to the door all these people in a car are laughing and yelling things at us (Not sure what they said... and I probably don't want to know). Then the guy "holding" (more like "leaning" on) the door was as drunk as a skunk and almost fell into us as he said "HUUU IIII!" (to be interpreted "HI"). By now I am definitely fingering my pocket knife (which is in my pocket) and praying for protection
again. We get inside only to encounter a couple of weirdoes buying cigarettes and asking for matches. "Hurry Josh!" I whisper while looking in every direction while my bro picks out his drink. We
finally made it to the counter when my brother realizes (to my evident horror) that he has left his wallet in the truck!
"Oh just grand!" I'm thinking as I nervously watch him run out to the car. Now I am stuck with the cashier who is from some foreign country and is staring intently at me like I'm an alien. "
Is this what they do in other countries?" I'm thinking as he literally kept staring at me with this weird smile on his face! I clear my throat and attempt some small talk (though I'm fingering my knife and praying and wishing my brother would HURRY!).
"Uh... that guy was drunk when he came out, wasn't he?"
Still smiling and staring.
"Uhhh... Do you get a lot of weirdoes in here?"
Still smiling and staring. Doesn't even attempt to talk.
I stare out the door.
"Josh HURRY!"
After what felt like eternity my brother finally runs back in, pays, and we leave (tripping over each other in our haste to get out).
Me to my brother: "We definitely had an adventure!"
He agreed.
- I was so physically exhausted after some hard work one that day that as I was riding in the car with my parents and sis one night and I literally fell asleep with my eyes open! First time doing that! My Dad was like, "Uh, Hope? Are you okay?" as I woke up (dreadfully embarrassed). ha ha
- The awkward moment when you say "yes mam!" to a guy.
- The awkward moment when you can't tell if "it" is a guy or girl.
- My baby sister had now got in the habit of taking off her dirty diaper and slinging it! Don't forget that we have guests staying at our house right now. Kinda awkward to say the least.
- Having to do everything left handed and people staring at me like I don' know how to use utensils. Also not being able to open anything and having to ask all the time is kinda embarrassing. ( I know that when God made me He chose to make me the example of what a "weaker vessel" looks like. But I'm not that weak!)
- Asking my brother Josh to get the "Kobalt" tool box and saying, "Josh, please go get the Colgate tool box! no, Kolby tool box? no, uhhh....the... " And my brother saying, "OH, you want the "Coby" tool box?! Does it look like a DVD player?" with a sly smile on his sarcastic face (which almost got slapped by the way! ha ha) I just went and got it.
- Also, asking for the ratchet and saying, "Please hand me the silver.... uhhh... gray.... ummm...long handled....uhhh, you know, the twisty turny thingy...uhhh.....whatchamacallit?" My brother did that same smile. Since I did not want to hear it- I went and got it myself again (of course while also remembering the name on the way). "Oh yeah! The ratchet!" was to be heard yelled across the yard. Obviously my knowledge on tools and their names is not extensive.
- Running up our hill only to realize the puppy had uprooted her chain and proceeded to get herself caught on something on the porch. I went to help her only to have her wrap me up in her chain and then jump all over me and bite me and scratch me. I was laughing/screaming when my brother finally came to the rescue. We then chased her around the yard for like 10 minutes. And then I realized that the neighbors were watching. Nice.
- Having several different people ask if this drawing I did (of a martyr for Christ-completely out of imagination) was a drawing of my future husband! I was like, "Uh, yeah. I know what my future husband looks like." (Rye sarcasm...)
- Having my siblings describe my future husband to me (yes, this is funny and totally NOT reality...). This is what he'll be like when I first meet him:
He's gonna drive up in his huge mud caked truck with camouflage Bible magnets and (so conveniently) walk right up to our door. He'll have on a blue plaid shirt, jeans with mud on them, cowboy hat and boots, and be carrying a Bible. He'll be tall, handsome, black haired, and light blue eyed with an irresistible smile as dad opens the door and greets him warmly. He'll have a scar on his face and an amputated leg (yes.... an amputated leg....). He'll be in my dad's line of business and they'll discuss these great ideas on how he organizes his stuff and the best ways to make more money when I'll walk in the room. He says to me:" You must be Hope. The Lord told me that I was to marry you." Of course I faint (they conveniently over look the fact that I've never fainted in my life). When I come to, I realize he's everything I've ever dreamed about and he realizes I'm perfect. He'll think I am the most beautiful woman in the whole world and be willing to give up his life for me. He'll believe everything we believe doctrinally and be extremely on fire for God, street preaching and witnessing with a passion that's contagious. We will fall madly in love an have an amazing courtship and marriage. And his name is: "Johnny Johnson."
Of course, I laughed like crazy and told them how silly they were and wondered where they ever got those ridiculous ideas from. ha ha
- Having an AWESOME family staying with us! They are such a blessing, and I have officially fallen in love with their baby girl "Abby". She is SOOOO cute!!!! (I actually first "fell in love" with her last November when I met her at the MS camp meeting).
- Doing campus preaching! I love campus preaching and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I'm very excited about this Friday when we head out again.
- Watching the Lord provide for us in so many ways.
- Fall finally being here! Autumn is my favorite season and I just like everything about it! :)
- Getting a little more hope that we will go to MS in November to their camp meeting. :) (Trying not to get too excited is almost impossible though... ha)
- Coming to my room and finding a picture that my little sis drew me duct taped to my wall! :) ha ha Very creative.
- Making Zucchini for the first time and trying to show my brother how to cook it. He was like, "what do you do?"
*Sheepish grin* "Um. Well I don't know. I'm just gonna throw in some ingredients, put it in the oven, and hope it turns out. I
have been cooking for most of my life!" He looked amazed. And guess what? It did turn out, and my family now really likes it! :)
Well, I have more but I need to get off here! I've been on for waaaayyy to long. Better get.
Love you all and KEEP THYSELF PURE. <3
Your sis in Christ,
~Hope Jerusalem<3
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