Hey folks! How are you all doing? I'm doing grand altogether. :)
I'm SO excited right now. I'm sitting here all mature and ladylike but.... I feel like running some laps around the yard, screaming, and jumping up and down for joy. Okay, maybe I wouldn't be
that crazy. but.... I
am that excited! And you know why? Guess....
................Have you got it yet?
I'll tell you.....
(Lord Willing)
Mississippi camp meeting this November!
And our Beloved friends in Oklahoma should be coming too!
I am really looking forward to some refreshing times with some very Beloved family in Christ. And I am really looking forward to another taste of heaven on earth. Praise God!
So, "Life Right Now 3"....
Seeing... My little sisters fighting over sitting next to me (I'm on the floor in front of the couch with the laptop and apparently they think that I'm doing something really interesting... ha ha).
And, my mom doing coupons, and one of the cats walking by.
Hearing... My little sis reading to the other (younger) sister
Smelling... Ummm.... Really nothing.
Tasting... My spearmint chap stick.
Holding... the laptop in my lap.
Needing... to write a letter to a VERY dear friend, answer some emails (never have time), put some clothes away, talk to my MS friends about possibly singing with them at the camp meeting, pray more, and read more Bible (ALWAYS needing to do the two latter mentioned subjects).
Wanting... to go to bed right now (am I always so tired? ha ha).
Regretting... any missed chances I may have had to share the gospel with someone.
Feeling... SUPER excited (like bouncing off the walls excited), tired, loved, joyful, and blessed.
Wishing... that I was closer to Jesus than I am, that I was at MS right now (patience... ha ha), that I had all the time in the world to just pray, read my Bible and campus preach and witness all the time.
Thinking... that I need Jesus more and more and more. Just give me Jesus!
Laughing... at my ridiculous fears and my distrust in my almighty God.
Recovering... from that wrist sprain. It's weird that doing smaller more intricate things hurt worse than doing big things.
Believing... That my God will supply for all of our needs.
Anticipating... Seeing some Beloved family in Christ once again.
Dreaming... about campus preaching more!
Praying... for my future husband, lost souls, and specific requests.
Reading... The book of Luke, and "Passion and Purity" by, Elisabeth Elliot
Singing... "Claim His Name"
Wearing... Nasty work clothes.ha ha I've lost all sense of fashion right now that I've been working hard every day. You can't wear nice clothes when you get like really dirty!
Preparing... to be a great man of God's perfect helper- Lord willing someday.
Remembering... God's promises to me.
Trying... to hurry and finish this.
Questioning... my future sometimes when I should be trusting.
Fearing... that I need more faith.
Loving... God, but not enough... Oh if I only could love Him perfectly! And family, family in Christ, and my (still unknown) future Beloved.
Googling... my blog.
Choosing... to reject the world and embrace Christ. "Attachment to Christ is the secret to detachment from the world."
Working... HARD with my dad. And knitting a scarf.
Emailing... friends.
Gluing... some lace back onto my camo Bible case that's edged with lace.
Cracking... my knuckles when I'm nervous or after playing guitar and they're sore. It's a bad habit.
Considering... that the closer I get to Jesus the more I realize how imperfect I am.
Turning... people to Jesus. Turning my eyes away from that which is wicked.
Reducing... idle time.
Longing.. to meet Jesus face to face! Oh how long Lord?
Suffering... for Jesus but realizing it's NOTHING compared to other people's sufferings! Oh how selfish I feel sometimes! And to think, what Jesus went through for me! Why do I not abandon all for Him? My sweet sweet Saviour. <3
Recognizing... that I can't do much at all in my own strength. I need Jesus!
Checking... my motives and heart attitude.
Practicing... piano, guitar and more selflessness.
Reckoning... That Jesus is worth any and ALL suffering
Smiling... because my joy is unspeakable!
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