Howdy everyone! I found some time to do a blog post! Isn't that nice? :)
I Hope you're all well and happy in Jesus, as am I. Doing better than I deserve for sure. :)
So, due to the fact that I work for my Dad, and that I often get "lectured" by unbelievers because I'm not going to college or out to see the world, and that I'm "not normal" because I'm going to be a keeper at home, and due to the fact that I'm about to be 19, I decided to do this post. I've been meditating on it lately and figured it'd be good idea to do.
There is an agenda pushed by western civilization that is not Biblical, against patriarchy, and over all harmful to our youth. They push that young ladies should work (even while in high school), go from high school to college to gain a bunch of useless knowledge, and then go work for some other man out there (to serve and help prosper his business). My question: Why?
Why waste precious years at a nasty sin filled college (while also losing your purity-if you have any left from high school) just to gain some useless knowledge and a pretty much useless degree (that'll most likely collect dust and be forgotten in a few years)?
Why go sacrifice yourself to serve, honour, and respect some random man out there rather then serving, respecting, honouring, and helping prosper the business of your Patriarch?
Why is this the way for young ladies to go now?
Why is this "normal" now?
I am here to question that mindset and also to show how wrong that worldly agenda is.
The majority of females today are NOT raised "Titus 2" at all.
I can't tell you how many girls I've met who were never taught how to do simple things like sweeping, washing laundry, cooking, helping with babies, and cleaning.
But they went to school! And then college! And got a job! I mean they're doing great! Right?
The whole "women working out from under patriarchal authority issue" is a whole different issue that I don't have time to get into. But do think about this: women working (when married-to help provide for their family) is actually taking on BOTH of the "curses" given in Genesis 3. The woman as a weaker vessel can not -and does not- need to handle that.
But anyways, back to my topic at hand.
How are you going to be spending your "in between years"? Are you going to use that time of singleness to further your Father's business pursuits, bless your mother, learn submission and prepare to be a great helper to your future husband, grow all the more in love with your Saviour, and be a good example to your younger siblings? Or are you going to be far away from home at some college trying to gain worldly wisdom?
Like I've said before, Christian young ladies ARE SUPPOSED to be DIFFERENT from the world. Not looking a the world and trying to be just like them! (See: Genesis 34)
Nowadays it's all about selfish individual lives and pursuits. ME. ME. ME.
There's no family unit anymore. You don't see families working together (they
used to- but not now). It's all about furthering themselves, their dreams, their goals, their ambitions. I. I. I. Proud selfishness.
NOTE: I have a wonderful Patriarch for a Father (I'm very sorry if you do not) and so I'm gong to assume you do in this blog post. If you do not, you can still pray and ask God to help you prepare to submit to a Patriarchal husband that you can bless with your help, submission, respect, and honour (and PLEASE do not marry an Ahab!). God's perfect will is that all men be patriarchs but, sadly, only a few really are. To be honest, I really can't think of any that I truly respect as Patriarchs (or Patriarchs in training) outside of my church. Not saying they're not out there, but they are rare (just like virtuous women).
So, I work for my Dad and for some odd ball reason some people think that that does not "count" when it comes to working.
I've had one of our clients ask me, "So what are you doing next year?"
I'm thinking,
"A LOT can happen in a year! For all I know the rapture will have hit!"
I say, "Well... I don't know. But I work for my Dad and I'm preparing to be a keeper at home."
"I know. But what are you
really going to do?" (He's probably thinking: "Like seriously, working for your Dad is nothing!")
"Aren't you going to further your music skills? You really need to consider going to college!"
And on and on....
Another client we work for is an
extreme feminist (and we suspect lesbian)who loves to push her agendas and opinions on us whenever she can. She's always saying that I need to go out and see the world, to think outside of my "religious box", that I should NEVER consider reproducing as the human race is killing all the frogs and fish off (I felt her HOT wrath one day as she raved on and on about her belief that I -basically- am a mistake because she does not agree with large families! Oh, but she loves my work... ha ha), and that going to college is a MUST. She's also a tree hugger, and
she smokes and cusses like a sailor. A very sad example of femininity for sure. Sometimes she takes God's name in vain so much I have to apologize to God (in my mind) for her! Very sad and grievous to me.
That's what society is breeding. I can't tell you how many 'little old ladies" I met this past year that I thought would be sweet and nice (and for the most part they were) but they were not how I always thought an old lady should be! I was shocked to hear them cuss, yell, or talk, dress, and act like they were teenagers rather then 6o+ year olds! We even have a neighbor in her mid/late 6o's that actually dresses worse then some teenagers I know. Strange world we live in... It used to be that little old ladies baked cookies and wore cute buns and dresses. Not now.
So, they see you as weird and abnormal to actually
want to serve your father and help him rather then being super concerned with going to college and serving other random men out there. I think they're weird to be so concerned with MY LIFE! I mean I thought we are encouraged to be an "individual" by the world? So why do they care if I'm trying to be different from them? ha. Pretty hypocritical on their part.
In reading the Bible I have come across some examples of young ladies working for/with their Fathers that I've always liked. Take a look at a few;
Nehemiah 3:12, "
And next unto him repaired Shallum the son of Halohesh, the ruler of the half part of Jerusalem, he and his daughters."
Hmm.. He AND his DAUGHTERS. Neat. :)
Genesis 29:9, "And while he yet spake with them, Rachel came with her father's sheep; for she kept them."
Rachel keeping her father's sheep. :)
Exodus 2:16, "Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters: and they came and drew water, and filled the troughs to water their father's flock."
SEVEN shepherdesses! :) What a blessing and help they were to their father.
And of course there are all kinds of other hard working ladies also mentioned such as Ruth, Rebekah (read; Genesis 24:13,18), the Proverbs 31 women, Abigail (with David), etc.
That brings me to another point. Hard work. How does hard work help you?
It helps you in many ways that you probably wouldn't even think about. Here's a few:
- It helps you appreciate the little things in life. After a hard days work that warm hug from my little siblings, or that surprise letter from my best friends in OK, or a deliciously hot Epsom salt bath all are better appreciated by me then when I haven't been working all day.
- Food is DELICIOUS! The saying,"Hunger is the best spice" takes on a whole new meaning after you've been working. :)
- You value money like never before. I recently decided to bite the bullet and spend some of my hard earned money on a Realtree jacket (that was on sale of course!) to wear when I work and I literally equated how many hours of work I did in order to get that jacket. You don't want to just blow your money when it's hard earned!
- You are stronger physically. :) The Proverbs 31 women "strengthened her arms".
- You usually have time to pray (or even listen to the Bible and good sermons). When I'm working I have A LOT of time to pray, meditate on The Bible, etc.
- "The sleep of a labouring man is sweet." VERY true.
- You can learn new skills and perfect old ones. You can also take those acquired skills into your future marriage.
- You will learn to HATE idleness, laziness, and a lack of diligence. I literally feel guilty when I sleep in (unless it's really needed) and if I'm not doing anything.
- Working outside (as we do a lot) also helps you get over sickness faster (all that Vitamin D), overcome your fear of insects (mine was spiders... *sheepish grin*), learn that it's okay to get your hands and precious face dirty every once in while, and makes you pray for rain (JUST KIDDING! *wink wink*).
- It teaches you team work (or help you appreciate team work when you're working by yourself).
- Working for your Father also helps you learn submission that will help you in your future marriage.
- Working with your family increases your fervent charity, strengthens the family unit as a whole, gives you plenty of time to bond, and gives your little brother plenty of opportunities to scare you! ha. Like hiding behind the trailer at night when you're going out to lock up so he can jump out and scare the daylights out of you, or tickling the back of your neck with weird feeling leaves (i.e pine needles) so you think it's a creepy bug! We have a blast though. We always like to bring joy and fun into work. :) We like talking in extremely exaggerated country accents while were working, jumping in leaf piles, blowing each others faces with back-pack blowers, creating hilarious stories about the people we pass as we're driving, and my brother really enjoys teasing me whenever we see a really ugly-redneck-greasy-ponytail- weirdo guy by saying he's my future husband! o_O Good times. :)

Also remember that Christian workers should be different from worldly workers. Put that house of David double zeal to it! Be a diligent worker who's a great testimony to the world. Also be full of the light of Jesus and His joy. It's very noticeable. I can't tell you how many times we've had clients (or people who've worked with us) comment on the joy we have while working, our amazing work ethic (my sisters and I have been told multiple times that we work like or harder than guys...) , or what a beautiful family we are. *smile*
You are being watched by the world and don't forget that!
When your out from under the protection of your father then you're not safe.
You'll notice that in the Bible virgins were always under their father's roof! That's where the protection is.
Gods ultimate will is that you go from the safety and protection of one patriarch (your father) to the safety and protection of the next patriarch (your future husband).
That also means that you should be learning the fine art of submission now. And also be preparing yourself to be a good helper for you future man by being a good helper to your father. You're not going to be a high maintenance wall hanging when you get married! I'm so tired of seeing "these single and desperate" girls who have nothing better to do with their time then to put on makeup and take pictures of themselves while trying to find some guy that can rescue them from their pitiful life of boredom! Not very attractive. They're either doing absolutely nothing or they're wasting their precious time on vain nonsense. Becoming the missing rib that will perfectly compliment your future husband takes work. Now's the time to be practicing and preparing.
The Bible also commands the the hearts of the fathers be turned to their children and vice-versa (see: Malachi 4:6). Is your heart turned towards your father? If it is not then you definitely will not want to work for him or help him.
Even if your father does not own his own business you can still find ways to help him and bless him. Make his coffee for him, organize his office, do research to help him with his sermons, anything! Just ask him if you're unsure.
I recommend a documentary called, "The Return of The Daughters" if you want to look more into this concept.
I'm gonna get off of here now. :)
My hands are cold and my sis wants me for something. Hope you all have a BLESSED night/week. :)
Your sis,
~Hope Jerusalem<3
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