So tomorrow is my 19th birthday. I guess I'm not really excited about getting old... *wink wink*
But, to me, 19 is officially "adult" now. I survived my 18th year fairly well and I'm sure my 19th one will prove to be even harder!
That's just what happens when you get older (and live in the last of the last days) I guess. Life does not get any easier, though you learn to rely on God more and more.
When I was little time just seemed to drag by. I wanted to grow up VERY SOON! Now that I've reached that stage of "getting old and growing up" I realize that it was too quick.
Being young and care free means: fewer heart breaks, practically zero stress, almost no responsibility, a child-like faith, and a purity that thinks the world is not that bad. As you get older you realize: people do betray you, you will get heartaches, there's A LOT of responsibility added to getting old, you still need that child-like faith, and the world really is a nasty sin-filled place. Ah, the bliss of those innocent days! And how quickly they fly by.
But during the past year The Lord has taught me many things including: the need to make sure I'm redeeming the time and taking advantage of this precious time I have with just me and The Lord. Jesus is THE LOVER OF MY SOUL, and even if He wills me to get married I know I will appreciate this solid foundation that I've built on my relationship with God. It's more important to be God consumed then man consumed. I know how girls get with their heads in the clouds (I can be a daydreamer sometimes... *sheepish smile*) but use this time right now to FOCUS ON GOD. You have no other time like it!
Just Sunday night one of my best friends (who's married with two small children) was encouraging me to enjoy my carefree single days while I can (and how she wished she used that time of "freedom" to lean more, study the Bible more, etc.). I was like, 'Well, I may be single but I'm definitely NOT carefree!" ha ha I keep pretty busy myself. But I know what she means, and I plan on using all the time I have! :)
The Lord has also been teaching me the principle of "Being Still". When things don't seem to be going your way, or you feel rather hopeless, just trust God and BE STILL. Quit all that worrying, careful nonsense (I'm speaking to myself here...). God has a PERFECT will for your life and you just need to trust that all powerful Creator. He does work in mysterious ways. And nothing is impossible with God.
Also this past year I've learned that giving your parents your heart really helps! Girls tend to be pretty emotional and easily deceived as well and having awesome parents with whom you can confide in, gain from their council, and trust in their wisdom really is a blessing! I'm very grateful that I can entrust my heart to them, and that it's perfectly guarded and safe. It also keeps you from becoming emotionally caught up with someone before it's too late! Once you're completely infatuated with someone you will lose all common sense, and even be considering someone who doesn't need to be considered! Definitely need wise people's council.... And even if someone turns out to be "the one" you STILL need LOTS of wise council. Something as sacred and important as marriage should NEVER be taken lightly.
Birthdays can be pretty sobering. They remind you of how FAST the years are flying by, the need to redeem the time, and the reminder to remember your Creator in the days of your youth.
Birthdays can remind you of your mistakes you've made in the past and the disasters The Lord has kept you from. But it also helps you see the areas in which you have grown spiritually. It also helps you long for more of GOD and His HOLINESS.
Birthdays can help you also think about all the GREAT things God has done in your life.
I may not be all excited about birthdays like I was when I was little, but I am thankful for another year to get to serve The Lord. I don't know what this year holds...
Maybe more betrayal (God forbid).
Maybe a chance to see some souls saved.
Maybe my beloved Prince will come knocking on my door (Hey! Of course a girls got to hope... ha ha).
Maybe I'll get to see my beloved OK brethren again face to face (or maybe they'll finally be able to move here).
Maybe, well, maybe I'll die. Who knows? God knows though, and that's very comforting. (Just so you know, I honestly don't think I'm going to die... I feel like God has bigger things in store right now.)
It is exciting to be a Christian (a remnant minded persecuted Christian) and know that there's a lot that could happen in a year. I pray that me and my small lowly church will survive this great falling away and shaking.
But the ONE THING I'm looking forward to the most is:
Maybe it will be this year... Even so come Lord Jesus. <3
Your sis in Christ,
~Hope Jerusalem<3
P.S. My verse of the year (confirmed by many providential confirmations)will now be; 2 Corinthians 4:7, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."
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