Ever wondered how the mind of an artist works? Here is a brief description...
An artist studies, judges, criticizes, and anylizes. When they look at something they are not just looking at it; they measure it, compare the colors, recognize all the shapes and angles, and study. We might see the world a little differently then others. I notice the ugly but I also try to find the beauty in it. I notice things. Wierd as it sounds. I can get overwhelmed with observation when I'm in a crowd of people so I try to tunnel it wisely; though I have learned to multitask. I like to watch and observe (especially when I'm unnoticed).
Because of that mindset it really does carry over into your normal life as well. It's a little annoying but also helpful to be observant.
I am also a musician/composer. When I listen to music I'm hearing everything; from the many different instruments to the different keys of singing. I am also greatly irritated and grieved by ungodly music as it really is not "music" at all.
I also enjoy photography. You definitely have to observe with that!
And with the type if work I do with my Dad it has trained my eye/mind to notice others things from weed filled lawns to dusty ceiling fans.
I was happy to read in the Bible the other day where some servants were *diligently observing* a king and where people would *notice*things about Kings or whatever (I was like, "my kind of people!").
So, the reason I'm saying all of that is to get to this:
Even if you're not an artist (or musician/photographer/etc.) you are to gird up the loins of your mind and think.
What does the Bible say?
Prove all things? Yes.
Judge righteous judgement? Yes.
Discern between good and evil? Yes.
Be spiritually minded? Yes.
Gird up the loins of your mind? Yes.
Ask God for wisdom? Yes.
This generation is full of sloth brained, passive, undisciplined, and lazy people. No one wants to think anymore. They want "amusement" (no-think). They want to lay back and watch television while they and their family head to hell. There's no proving of anything anymore. Whatever the "pastor" says is dogmatic truth. No need to study the Bible and see if that doctrine is right. I mean, the guy went to seminary and got a degree so of course he's right!
(Not even close usually!)
They think that they think but they're really brainwashed and letting Satan and the world (and supposedly "godly" people) do the thinking for them. I would think that Satan is doing a lot of thinking to keep you from thinking! Think about that. Selah.
It's time to think outside of the box. Judge everything with the measuring stick of the Bible. Ask God to see everything through His eyes. What does God think about_______? (fill in the blank with anything and everything.)
I am blessed with a Dad who discovered this simple truth early in his Christian walk and it was revolutionized! I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for God having my Dad realize that we NEED to prove all things and not just "go with the flow".
The Bible says that thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil.
Just because everyone else is doing it (or believing in it or loving this person or wearing those fashions) does NOT mean that you are to follow them! We are to be different from the this world and even different from thus lukewarm/carnal Church age as well.
This antichrist generation is stupid. Sad but true. No one judges. No one thinks (and I mean *really* think). No one longs for the perfect truth. Everyone (it seems like) would rather throw in the towel and give up on purity of doctrine, unity of the church, training up their children, and a perfect Bible. So sad.
Fear God and ask Him to give you wisdom, understanding, cunning ability in things, and largeness of heart. (Think of Solomon and his request to God in 1 Kings 3:9.)
Do judge.
Do criticize.
Do anylize.
Do prove everything.
Do not go with the flow.
Do not lower your standard just to please others.
Do not be a sloth brain.
Do not be passive.
Watch. Look. Observe. Prove.
Also, do judge people's character, actions, life but do so righteously and by God's spirit. Don't be a respector of persons or only love the rich/beautiful/famous. Give honour to whom honour is due. Love what God loves and hate what God hates. Pray. Fervently. Ask God for direction and leading. Do not be willingy ignorant or close your eyes to the truth because you're afraid of being proven wrong. Do not be proud. Open your eyes to God's truth and do not allow deception or the blinding of Satan.
May Jesus richly bless you all!
The Lord's,
Hope Jerusalem
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