Hello Fellow servants of Jesus! Hope you're blessed and as happy as me. :) I pray you are living strong for Jesus and growing in Him daily. I found some time for my -very neglected- blog. I hope this post is helpful in some small way. :)
God is so good. God is so Amazing. God is SOOO incredibly Mighty and Strong. How He deserves our absolute and complete love, praise and adoration! Don't you just love Him?
Anyways, I could boast about God and His awesome works all day, but I got a blog post to type out. Sooo...
Did you know that we live in a brain
-washed dirty society? Actually I would say more like a brain-DEAD society.
Everyone is programmed to think (or rather-to NOT think) a certain way; to be amused versus to muse; to allow the ideologies of atheistic, God hating, and proud heathens to make life decisions for them; to buy into the brilliantly disguised lies that Satan has deceived the masses with.
This is our world.
What we have now is a person who dresses in the ridiculous fashions that are advertised before him; is plugged in non-stop to those brain-washing brain-manipulating lyrics and beats of popular singers; is glued to their brain-dirtying hand-held android device; is idolatrously fixated on certain worthless T.V shows and movies; and walks around as a selfish, zombie-like, passive, programmed, weak, stupid, and drugged up individual. (Lets not forget the hypnotized spiral twirling eyes and robotic voice saying, "
Take me to your leader.")
So sad.
They think they're thinking for themselves.
They think they have their own "individual" style.
They think they are smart, strong, happy, free.

They are really blind, chained to addictions and sin, in love with lust, madly in love with themselves, and consumed with this mentality that they NEED pleasure and fleshly fulfillment rather then God.
Christian's -REAL CHRISTIANS- are made out to be the Looney-toons crazy ones.
Because of course if you love God and others rather then the world and yourself then you HAVE to be crazy!
I must be "brainwashed" since I don't listen to the world's
music noise, don't watch their programming shows, or let the world indoctrinate me with it's fictional theories of evolution and what not. How sad.
As I was writing out notes for this blog post in my notebook I was seated in a local Barnes and Noble book store observing the people around me (as is my custom). People are VERY interesting and I take any chance I have to observe what they do (and don't do). It's a "Study of Society". Try it sometime. Your findings will be extremely informative (if you are wise).
This is what I observed:
"There are advertisements everywhere pulling simple minded people in with their alluring displays, some people are super glued to their phones (in a BOOK store of all places! ha), others are dutifully scouring the newspapers laying around, some are perusing through cheap romance novels or worthless time wasting books, and others are just simply lolly gagging around with nothing to do. Let's not forget the squealing seductress female vocalist in the background speakers belting out some emotional song about a long lost lover or something. (That's all they ever sing about these days... *rolls eyes*)
This one guy in front of me is literally staring at nothing like he's off in la-la land and the older man seated next to me is digging into his left nostril (without a tissue-mind you) like he's certainly not sitting in a public place with others gawking at him.
People can be amusing.
But worse then amusing is the sadness that feels my heart when I see all these people passing through life at a neck breaking speed with NO thought, care or concern for ETERNITY.
Where's God? The "Christian" section here is a big joke. With very few exceptions, most of the people here are trying to maintain their worldly image and appeal while still slapping "Jesus" or "God" on to their literary works. God's not fooled. And the wise should not be either.
As we enter into an Auto shop I'm instantly greeted with blaring country music and filthy cuss words billowing out of the mechanic's mouths all around me. Because, as everyone knows, you're only a "real man" and "cool" if you cuss every 2 seconds. (And woman today are just the same. SO SAD.) And of course you couldn't possibly work unless you're "motivated" by your thumping music. I'm glad we're not staying long enough to hear their conversations. I dare not imagine the depths of sin they talk about. I'm going to stop writing here."
You know, the world has it's own agenda. It carries it everywhere and slyly brainwashes others with it's readily adopted opinions.
What is now considered "normal" would've been unthinkable even an 100 years ago. It's a new "normal".
Consider some of these statements:
- People need to wear the latest fashions (no matter how crazy or weird it looks) in order to fit in.
- You must be wealthy and proud. Aim for that "American dream"!
- Children are a curse and a burden so please only have about 1 or 2 (or just get a dog if you can't handle that stress). Then you ship them off to day-care, school, and then college at 18 so you, poor soul, can finally get your house back.
- Woman are not beautiful unless they have mildewed looking eyes, plastic looking skin, blood stained lips, dyed hair, anorexic bodies, and fake pictures of themselves.
- Purity is disgusting; It's only normal to carelessly date, rip your heart into shreds, and throw your body around cheaply.
- Girls should dress provocatively and act like a seductress with zero dignity or respect. And it is only normal for a guy to be lustful, treating woman like they're just worthless objects to be viewed (for their selfish pleasure). Boys will be boys. Right?
And on and on I could go.
Pride and selfishness seems to be the fuel for society now. The world teaches that it's
good for everything to be all about
you. There's no God so why should there be any rules? Go with what makes
you feel good. Focus on YOUR needs, YOUR wants, YOU YOU YOU. You're programmed to think that "you got it" all by yourself, you're strong and you certainly don't need God!
Everyone has to look the same (i.e. weird hair cuts and colors, piercings, trendy clothes).
Everyone has to sound the same. Have you heard the girls with that scratchy irritating voice that emphasizes all the "s's"? ("Yessss. I Jussssst want to ssshop and get my nailssss done."). Creepy. Listen in and you'll see what I mean. Then the guys get either a super deep "cool" macho voice or a squeaky effeminate one. Weird nonsense.
There is no eternal mindset whatsoever now. God is forgotten out of mind and replaced with a billion different distractions to keep your brain passive and overloaded. No time for God. No time for anything. BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY.
In an effort to be "Free" and "Independent" they actually have tightened the chains of deception, darkened their blinders, killed their thinking ability, and allowed others to brainwash and indoctrinate them into this molded carbon copy of everyone else.
No individuality. It's creepy. Some even claim to be "mis-fits" in society when in truth they fit right in.
You know why I add pictures to my blog posts? For the very reason I'm blogging about right now.
This generation can't just
read anymore. They need pictures, something to grab their interests, something to amuse them.
I bet you yourself have this mentality... What do you think? (If you can think....)
There's a segregation of society where children do not interact with adults (unless forced) and only same age groups stick together. (This is NOT Biblical in any fashion!) 3rd graders snob 1st graders. Teens ignore adults. Young adults avoid the elderly. Make fun of those who are not your age. YOU are what's important and YOUR age is number one, Right?
Woman claim that they want "equality" with men when in truth, they really want "superiority".
The men don't care because they are lazy, weak, limp-wristed, fearful, selfish, and just plain stuck on themselves jerks. They're happy to let the woman take the initiative and lead. They pipe up with their squeaky little mousey voice,
"Sure, Honey. Whatever you want."
They just want to yawn, watch foot ball, dream about being rough and tough, pretend to be "macho "or "manly", shoot guns, spit tobacco, eat a big steak, roll over and go to sleep. No pressure, no fight, no strength to stand up and be a real man.
All the while their wives (or girlfriends) are running the show and they know it. Because it is only
normal for women to rule over men and it is only
normal for the men to let them wear the pants in the family.
Of course.
How funny. How cute. Makes perfect logical sense, doesn't it?
No one questions anything. It's
normal, right? Appeal to the masses: "Everyone's doing it so it MUST be right!"
People see us as crazy when in all actuality I walk through crowds of people realizing just how creepy and crazy THEY are. It also makes me sad. Very sad. I sigh and cry.
But take heart, There is hope. There is a remnant left who have chosen a different path. It may be a rough, rugged, and very narrow path but we are sticking to it by God's grace and power!
We will NOT be brainwashed by the world.
We will be different, peculiar, a generation who WILL SEEK GOD.
1 Peter 2:9, "But ye are a
chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light; "

Don't mix us up with those other hypocritical people who slap "Christian" on to their name and still act just like the world. That's not what I'm talking about. They can have this namby pamby world with all it's riches, pride, and indoctrination. Go for it.
We want Jesus.
You know, I am blessed to be raised right. I'm blessed to be taught to THINK. To
REALLY think. Soberly. Righteously.
Proving all things by the perfect standard of God's word.
The "brainwashing" we want is when God washes us in the water of His word and purifies us. That's a BEAUTIFUL "brainwashing". A pure mind. A holy mind. A logical mind. A wise mind. A steadfast mind.
The Fear of God= WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE (Prov. 1:10, etc.).
Daniel 12:10, "Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand."
Isaiah 44: 18, "They have not known nor understood: for he hath shut their eyes, that they cannot see; and their hearts, that they cannot understand."
A verse from the Hymn "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" that I like is this:

O soul are you wearied and troubled? No light in the darkness you see? There's light for a look at the Saviour, And life more abundant and free!
Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace."
Tis true. The more you look at Jesus the more strange and dim the world appears. You end up just wanting more and more of Jesus.
He is everything to me and I can't wait to be raptured and taken away from this crazy world. But while we are here we will try and help some people see the light. We will try to get that glorious gospel into their passive minds and see if they can understand.
Oh what a SAD generation we live in!
Proverbs 30:11-14, "There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother.
There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness.
There is a generation, O how lofty are their eyes! and their eyelids are lifted up.
There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men."
There are a few in every generation who are different. (OH SO FEW!)
Psalm 24:6, "This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah."
Will you seek God? Will YOU choose to be different?
Will you repent (change of mind and direction) from your sins, put your faith in Jesus Christ, and believe in the glorious gospel? The GOOD NEWS of the Gospel is how The Lord Jesus Christ (who IS God) died on the cross for your sins, was buried for three days, and then rose again according to the scriptures.

Or you could just go with the flow (it's easier...in some ways). But eternity is the price to pay. It's your choice.
Will you be brainwashed ? I hope not.
I pray you take heed dear soul.
The Lord's, Hope Jerusalem
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