Hey Y'all! I am actually still alive. :) And I am very blessed and very happy in Jesus. :) Life is such an adventure.
I hope it is well with your souls. God is so good. How can you not love Him with all your heart and seek His heart with everything you have?
I have finally traded my "country girl-wanna-be" status to "Country girl" (or "mountain girl" to be a little more specific). I'm SOOOOOOO blessed to finally live in the country! So that explains my leave of absence from this blog. I will
try to get out here a little more frequently. Hopefully...
Things keeping me busy as of late:
-Helping run, and working full time in, my Dad's business. Very fulfilling to be working for ourselves :)
- Country life things like: gardening (sooo much ridiculous fun to grow your own garden!), tree work, swinging in our hammock, growing flowers, landscaping, creating natural stone seats around a fire pit, lots of bonfires, taking LOADS of neat pictures, and dreaming about the animals we want. :) We're working on our chicken coop and should get some chicks this fall (which is SOO exciting). I want to name three of them Myrrh, Peace, and Joy (we'll see...). And I'm dreaming about my "Jubilee" goat, and "Faithful" mule. Ha ha. Perhaps....
Mud, camo, and work boots are now a normal part of life. LOVE how the Lord brought us here. Mountain fresh air, deer (even some "Pig bald" ones!), turkey, hay, tractors, wood, plaid shirts, and hard work. Everything I like. :)

-Dancing ballet in our "Beloved Ballet Company" group. No worries. I'm sure when you think of ballet all you see is skimpy leotards and tights, thick stage make-up, and an idolatrous drive to dance for man. We dress in modest clothes and have a heart that dances only for the Lord. I LOVE to dance for Jesus! <3 a="" alone="" also="" and="" aradosi="" as="" ballet="" been="" christ="" church="" company="" dance="" favorite="" for="" fun="" god="" good="" group="" has="" here="" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhNhf0xzRZI" in="" inspiration="" is:="" it="" little="" n="" of="" one="" ones="" our="" s="" target="_blank" teaching="" the="" their="" them="" to="" us.="" videos="" watch.="" watching="" well.="">VIDEO3>
-Fall is almost here (my favorite season). I'm excited about are Annual Autumn tea party that we host at our house. :)
- Been learning more Spanish phrases that I can say while witnessing to Hispanics (and giving them a Spanish tract). It's such a blessing to get to speak to people in their own language. Praise God!
Other things keeping me busy:
Reading/ studying my Bible, hanging out with my Church, witnessing, Photography, journaling, trying out new healthy recipes, helping with babies (which I love), sewing, and country living, :)
Well, I hope this is a good update for y'all!
Be thou blessed in Jesus, ~Hope Jerusalem <3 p="">3>
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