We are in the last days. Actually the LAST hours. The world is getting crazy. We can’t even go out and witness or hand out gospel tracts to people right now because of all this “social distancing” going on. So that’s why I’m writing this blog post. I’m trying to reach out to as many people as I can while there’s still time left.
People are searching for answers right now as the Bibles are selling off the shelves. The answer is in the Bible. Jesus is COMING and He is coming VERY soon! The signs are all around us! This is not the time to be asleep. This is not the time to be living in sin or in unbelief. Pick up your Bible and pray. If you have not put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, repented of your sins, and asked Jesus to be the Lord of your life- do so NOW before it’s eternally too late. John 14:6 says, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
THINK ABOUT ETERNITY. Everything you do today or tomorrow or this week will affect you for eternity. Do you want to be ETERNALLY wrong? Is it going to be hell or Heaven? It’s time to get serious. No more games. No more pushing away eternal thoughts. THINK! Matthew 16:26 says, "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"

I am warning and begging you with all my heart ( a heart that loves you): Repent! Trust in the gospel and what Jesus did! You have broken God’s law ( the Ten Commandments) and need forgiveness.
Jesus is God and He died and shed His Precious blood FOR YOU and then was buried for three days and rose again ( defeating death and the grave). If you TURN and repent from all Your sin and ask God to forgive you and cleanse your heart, then you can escape this crazy world! You can be with Jesus for all of eternity. You can escape this sin filled, wicked, perverted world. God will take your heart of stone a replace it with a heart of flesh! He will give you new desires and new wants. A heart that desires holiness and purity instead of sin and the world.
Read the Bible. It does contain the answers. Jesus is the answer. Trust Him.
God can grant you a peace in this time of chaos that will pass all understanding. And we have a hope! OH what a hope! Jesus is coming to take us away from this world! Praise Jesus!
I do not want your blood on my hands and so I’m warning in love. The choice is yours. I hope you choose wisely....
Please do not be offended. I’m only writing this because I love you. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t say anything.
If you have any questions PLEASE ask me. I’m here for you with prayers and God’s answers to hard questions.
May I see you in Heaven and rejoice with you for all eternity! This world needs some more FEAR of GOD and more thought into ETERNITY! THINK....
The end is not NEAR... The end is HERE.
And a warning to the Christians: DO NOT BE LUKEWARM! Get serious!
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