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Drama on the Homestead….
Okay, this is me (horrible pic but who cares?! Keep in it real…Hee hee)… I just saved a kid from a bullying incident (this happens, y’all!). Unfortunately the momma Goat was trying to save her kid at the same time as me and got my forehead instead! Despite a splitting headache and a nice sized welt, I think I’m okay. Y’all pray that I don’t get a concussion. Ha
But, the real drama happened on Thursday…We had Wednesday and Thursday off last week (I love staying home! ). ππ
The day was nice. Dad and mom were out on a date. The sun was shining so bright, the goats were grazing in the pasture, and the chickens were free ranging. Us girls were eating lunch and having a Bible study (ballet practice to follow…).
Suddenly Hannah yells, “A Raccoon is heading for our chickens!”
Everyone’s screaming and freaking out as I stuff my feet into my mud boots and frantically grab the pepper spray. Running towards it I quickly analyze the situation. He is several feet from one of our roosters! The raccoon is definitely rabid as it is NOT scared of me at all! (Yes, I was scared of him!) We have a stare down as it slowly heads for the refuge of a nearby tree. It grabs ahold of the bark and then peeks it’s head around to stare at me. *shudder*
I get near enough to spray it and I get a head on shot. It barely seems phased (just rubbing it’s eyes but not running!) as I head back to the house to get the gun and call Dad.
Dad says it’s okay to shoot it as it is DEFINITELY rabid. It also had a wounded leg from another predator, no doubt.
So, gun in hand (9 mm), totally creeped out, and seriously on edge I’m looking for the creature in the shadowy woods (he was camouflaged really well!). Suddenly he’s on the trail right in front of me! (Yeah, my heart is thumping and my hands are shaking)…)
I take the safety off, take aim, and… Miss!
(Y’all, I am a girl after all! Ha ha Not a sharp shooter… we rarely even practice on targets.)
The shot didn’t phase him! The next one hit him. And this, y’all, was a dramatic and a pretty tragic moment in my life. I have never shot and killed anything before… Sigh. But our chickens were saved and it was better for him to die in such a state. A raccoon will Kill your entire flock of chickens just for fun (especially a rabid one!).
We are extremely attached to our animals. We don’t Kill any on our homestead (not against it and we do eat meat, of course). I was devastated when my first baby goat died last fall, and it took me a while to get back to my -usually- optimistic self. I’m heart broken anytime There is a death on the farm. So, as you can see, it was pretty dramatic! But, praise Jesus! Our chickens were saved! Never a dull moment on the Hartinger Heritage Homestead…
Thought I’d share that bit of news with y’all. Have a peaceful night. (Hopefully my head is okay…ha)
In Christ, Hope ππ
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