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The Grass Was Dead on the Other Side WARNING: Do NOT read this post if you plan on being proud and rejecting what you read! Hell will be hotter for you. DO CONTINUE to read if you have a soft and humble heart. This post contains a VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE.  Amen.  Isaiah 40:6-8, " The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." I always wanted to be a princess. All of my young girl dreams were filled with royal princes, fighting knights, dancing ballerinas, handsome kings, and beautiful queens. A dreamer by nature, with a wild imagination (runs in the family), I spent my youth dressing up, dancing, and playing “princess” games with my sisters. Castles were incredible to me ...

Enter Into His Gates With Thanksgiving... What I'm thankful for, a poem, etc.

Psalm 100:4
"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name."
Hey everyone! As thanksgiving is almost here I thought I would do what I'm sure everyone else is doing around this time and that is to list everything I'm thankful for. I wonder why everyone forgets to be thankful till around this time? I try not to be like that by giving thanks to my God ALL the time.
I love thanking my God for all His rich blessings that he so generously bestows upon me. :) He is worthy to be thanked and praised, don't you think?
I also think it's so ironic that everyone gives thanks for all their blessings on thanksgiving day, they tell everyone that they are so content and satisfied with what they have, they thank God for his rich blessings, and then they go shopping madly the next day with earthly possessions greedily glistening in their hungry eyes and just totally forget the day before! Weird. Crazy. Almost hypocritical if I must say so myself. I'm not saying Black Friday shopping is wicked, but it is wicked to be greedy and selfish like the majority of people who are on Black Friday.
We are going street preaching on Black Friday because we love lost souls more than earthly possessions that will be burned up. It's a great time to go street preaching because all the cars are BACKED UP! I'm so excited. :)
I am excited about cooking LOTS of delicious food as well. I really enjoy cooking/baking and look forward to making piles of food to feed lots of hungry people! I thank God for getting to cook. I also thank God for dishes (even though it may be MOUNTAINS that I have to wash sometimes! ha ha) because dishes means that we had lots of food to eat on them. :)

Okay things I'm thankful for:

*The Lord Jesus Christ! He's my Prince, My Beloved, my Saviour, my King, my Master, my Lord, my Love, my life, my joy, my glory, my Light, my rejoicing, my praise, my Creator, and my God.
I love Him and I could never thank him enough for all of His rich blessings that he just loads me down with every single day.
With out Him I would be nothing. With out Him I could do nothing.
As I look out my window and see snow softly falling I am reminded of my Saviour's ultimate sacrifice. His life and His blood. And because of that blood I have been washed as white as snow! Praise God!!!!! I'm SOO thankful for the blood! I'm soo thankful for the gift of salvation! I'm so thankful that through His Spirit I have victory over sin! (if you want to read some more about what Jesus means to me read this post )

* I'm thankful for my Amazing parents!
They are an amazing team for the Lord. They're raising up godly seed even though the Enemy attacks, they have been forsaken by those whom they've loved and discipled, they are standing strong in this evil day, they both LOVE the Lord, they teach and encourage others all the time, and I would NOT be where I am today of it wasn't for them. Praise God for my parents!

*First off my Dad. My Dad IS the BEST Dad in the entire world. NO JOKE. He is my daddy, my best friend, my confident in whom I can confide in, he has my heart, he has my trust, he is my Teacher, my trainer, my Patriarch, my ruler, the one who rebukes me (when needed. ha ha), my Preacher, my example in whom I learn from every single day, my prayer warrior (my dad prays for us kids ALL the time. It's such a blessing!), he is my long boarding "buddy", my basketball coach, he teaches me to respect and trust his leading which is helping me prepare for my Future husband's leading, and he encourages me, helps me, and fight battles along side of me all the time.
My Dad is SO on fire for God. He is SO full of the Holy Spirit you get convicted every time you're around him. He is SO full of the word of God you rarely hear anything else come out of his mouth. He loves lost souls so much he can preach his heart out to them pleading with their souls to repent, turn, and get right with God. My Dad can unsheathe his sword (the King James Bible) faster than lightning and answer any Bible question you have very thoroughly, diligently, and to your complete satisfaction. My Dad is NO slouch when it comes to the word of God. My Dad soaks his mind and heart in those words, and he has been diligently studying them for decades. My Dad convicts me all the time with his FIRE, PASSION, DILIGENCE, BOLDNESS, and so evident LOVE for God and spiritual things. My Dad knows how to REBUKE with love.
My Dad is spontaneous (he will randomly roll down his window while driving and yell something like, "Repent! Ye must be born again! or some other good message), he's hilarious (he is the pun master!), he's smart, wise, handy (he can fix anything), a hard worker, athletic (a skate boarding -long boarding -basketball playing- juggler!), very handsome (that must be why he has such a BEAUTIFUL wife! ha ha), masculine (his beard adds to that), diligent, fun to be around, the diametric opposite of an Ahab, very romantic with his wife (my parents are SOO cute!), and really I could go on and on. I'm sure my Dad would not say all this about himself but I'm going to praise him anyways (Proverbs 27:2). :)

My Dad has been through a lot his whole life. He's been hated by SOO many, the Devil wishes he'd just drop out of the race and battle, and so many desire to see my Dad fall. He's fought in SO many battles I could never count them all. But my Dad is STRONG. He's NEVER going to leave his first love. I know he will be STEADFAST till his dying breath or until Jesus's return.

Like I said before, my Dad has my heart and he is very worthy of it. I can trust his wisdom in helping me find God's will in choosing a life mate. I know my Dad WILL know who is the "one" by God's Spirit, and it's actually a relief that I won't have to carry such a burden! My Dad can turn down the ones that I (Being so nice. ha ha) would feel bad turning down but know are not the ones. He knows how to see right through the cheesy smiles, and fake "spiritual" ones that some hypocrites pretend they are. He can spot a man of God with his wise eyes, and he knows what to look for in my future Husband because I have provided him with a list (it's a pretty long one! ha ha). He knows to look right into those eyes (the windows of the soul) and see if there really is a lion -like passion and a Christ-like light.

My Dad is SO awesome any real Man of God worth something ought to take "lessons" from my Dad and learn from his godly example. If you want to get revived again, spiritually fed, some words of God added to you, provoked to being more bold for Jesus, learn some tips on being a real man of God, or if you just want to be blessed- hang around my Dad for a little while and you'll see that everything I'm saying is not only true, but its dead on the money! I love my Dad and I'm SOOO thankful for him.

*My Mom. I'm am SOO thankful for my Mom.
She is the one woman that I can learn everything I need to become a lovely help meet from.
My Mom is the BEST Mom in the entire world and you will never convince me other wise! She has been through a lot with her family forsaking her and been hated by many. But she still presses on! Oh Praise the Lord! She is still persevering because she has the promise of a better country. The Lord has taken  her as his own daughter and she is LOVED by the King of Kings.

She is the sweetest lady you'll ever meet, she is always wanting to help others, she's a true virtuous woman, she loves encouraging people in the Faith, she is my best friend, she had my heart and trust, she is my shopping "buddy", I can talk to her and she always understands what I'm trying to say, she teaches me the words of God and we enjoy sharing what ever is on our minds with each other, she is THE BEST cook (she can make a meal out of anything. no joke.), she is humble, she is THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE of a Jezebel, She is SOO beautiful, she fears God and so she's worthy to be praised, she has taught me so many life skills that I'll need to become a good wife and mother, she encourages me all the time, she's training all of us kids up in the way we should go, she has the most beautiful golden eyes that are just sparkling with the light of Jesus, she's always lending a helping hand to someone, she's so romantic with Daddy  (awwww!), she has a servant's heart, she has a beautiful meek and quiet spirit, she's modest, meek, and lowly, she is all of her daughter's example, she can play clarinet beautifully, she loves lost souls and desires to see them saved, she prays for us all the time, she's smart, she's very good at saving money (coupon queen!), and she is just SOO AWESOME!
I could go on and on but I realize I need to hurry and finish this post...

* I'm very thankful for my brothers and sisters. They all are such an encouragement to me, my best friends, and I just love them all sooo much!!! We have such great times together. Playing jokes on one another, playing games together growing up, witnessing and street preaching together, teasing one another, talking, sharing out hearts, worshipping God together, encouraging one another, etc.
They all really love me and care for me. They're always drawing me a picture, giving me a suprise hug, kissing my cheek, leaving me a letter somewhere, giving me gifts (my guitar is from my older brother!), laying hands on me and praying for me, randomly telling me that I'm beautiful or pretty, and they are just one of my biggest joys in life. I LOVE my brothers and sisters! <3<3<3<3
My siblings have the most amazing senses of humor that you'll ever find (I guess they got it from my Dad? ha ha). They are always cheering me up with a joke, smile, or saying something that's just down right hilarious! If any body knows me they know that I'm always laughing and I guess its because I'm always surrounded by funny people! ha ha
Just now I asked my little sister what she's thankful for and she thought for a second and said; "I'm thankful for Hope!" So sweet. :)

* And now for just one LONG list of what I'm thankful for:
Best friends, the remnant, the King James Bible, being able to pray and seek the very face and heart of God, a new day, white snow, my kitty "Shem", my guitar, my Future husband (even though I don't know who he is I'm still thankful for him!), God's gifts that he's so graciously talented me with (and that I can turn around and give Him glory with them!), a best friend who understands, babysitting, blogging, getting to share the glorious Gospel to the lost, Bible magnets, our house, warmth in the cold, fires, food (I do enjoy eating and cooking! ha ha), persecution (I LEAP for JOY!), conviction by the Holy Spirit, chick tracts, Martyrs and missionaries, people who were killed for the Word of God, the Presence of God, being alone with God during my secret quiet hours, early mornings, fresh air, God's amazing creation, letters from friends, the Love of God that he pours on me, the chastening of the Lord that he also lovingly pours on me when it's deserved, journaling, writing, being able to do all the things that I can for the Lord, my worn out Bible, my newer Bible that looks brand new but is actually FULL of notes and highlights, the ability to draw and paint for God's glory, sunshine, "Autumn" (the season), horses, good smells, laughter, bright smiles, light filled eyes, that the Lord has kept me PURE, God's still small voice, hugs, the words "I love you", the amazing universe, flowers, colors, the beautiful sky, the mighty ocean, the little things in the world that often get over looked, that God's thoughts towards me are more numbered than the sand, that God holds my future in His hands and that He has given me a peace and trust in knowing that he will reward those who diligently seek Him, patience, the armour of God, this race that we're in, faith, hope, charity, the color blue (so pretty), presuppositional arguments that are awesome, getting to serve God while I'm waiting, fresh manna, the Church, animals, a good sermon, beautiful music, being broken before God, sunsets and sunrises, a really good book, my clothes (that are also modest), pure water (that's all I ever drink!), Biblical science, getting to study God's very words, beautiful courtships and marriages, living in a free country (even if they have forsaken God!), passionate preaching that's foolishness to the world, the wisdom of God, my cozy bed, my fleece blanket, tears of joy, God's joy unspeakable, true pleasure, growing up in a Christian home, And last but NOT LEAST:
I'm thankful for:
I'm very excited to see my beloved, and I am SOOO thankful to Him for EVERYTHING!
I could go on and on about what I'm thankful for but I've got to get and prepare for tomorrow's feast. :)
I hope you all are BLESSED and thankful all the time and not just on Thanksgiving.
And here's a poem my Friend "Hannah" wrote and that she sent to me in a letter yesterday:

"A Thanksgiving Day Poem"

Happy thanksgiving day
It is such a wonderful day
That we can get together
On this beautiful thanksgiving day

When we celebrate thanksgiving day
We think about the pilgrims long ago
Who came to this wonderful country
To worship God in freedom, we know

Across the ocean wild
In the Mayflower day and night
For many days they traveled
With not a bit of land in sight

When finally one day bright
They looked out and saw
The beautiful land in sight
Behind the beach the trees stood tall

One by one, men. woman and children, came to land
But all the winter would be so harsh
That very first year in New England
As they traveled through mud and marsh

As they looked for a place to settle
The cold, harsh winter settled in
They searched until they found a place
And began to build small wooden cabins

Many people died that first winter
Of sickness, cold, and many other a thing
And only half of the pilgrims remained
Which had made it across the ocean wing

They feared Indian attack
As they knew these natives
Were called savages, and barbarians
Killing and scalping with their knives

But one day, an Indian appeared
His name was Samoset
He spoke a little English
And stayed after sunset

The next day he brought Squanto
An Indian who spoke English better
He told William Bradford his story
He asked if he could there, shelter

Squanto helped the Pilgrims that summer
Teaching how to plant corn
To make nets and fish
And a new thought was born

Why the first governor died
William Bradford took his place
When he saw how abundantly they reaped
A thought lit his heart and face

They would set aside a day
To give thanks to God
And they would need lots of food
Potatoes were dug out of sod

Corn was plucked from the stalk
Bread was baked in the oven
Carrots were dug up and washed
And sweet potatoes also visited the oven

They invited the Indians
And William Bradford was surprised
When Massasoit brought ninety Indians
But the chief thought very wise

He sent his men into the woods
To kill turkey and deer too
There was enough for everyone
The feast lasted three days and-
everyone was happy too

And so it was called "Thanksgiving" because the people thanked God
God above for the bountiful blessings he had bestowed
So now we celebrate this thanksgiving day
because God also has blessed us so

Written by, Hannah G.K.

Be blessed! Always the Lord's love and Bride,
Song. 7:10, 1 Cor. 6:20


  1. BROUGHT WELLS OF TEARS JUST NOW TO THIS PLEASED PATRIARCH'S EYES. Seeing blurry right now and cannot type. JUST..... PRAISE THE LORD. Proverbs 22:6 works and I've watched God vindicate it literally 1000's of times. ALL GLORY TO THE GOD OF TH WORD AND THE WORD OF GOD. this sweet, special, HOLY-GHOST FILLED damsel. HOLY GHOST CHILLS ALL OVER ME NOW. THANK YOU, JESUS!!!!!!

    1. Awww Daddy! You're so Holy Ghost filled I get revival every time I hang around you! I love you dearly my dear Dad, and I'm very thankful for you. :)


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