Howdy folks! I am stopping by my faithful blog
because I'm inspired.
Because I really feel like blogging at this moment.
NO, really because I feel pretty guilty for neglecting it!
Okay, I'm going to be completely honest with y'all. I actually have had two or three nights free to do a blog post in the past couple of weeks BUT- when I sat down at the computer to do them I realized that:
- I hate getting on the computer. Yes I have a blog, and I am helping design my Dad's website for his business, and I have an email account, and I hate getting on computers. (At least I don't have to mess around with a Facebook!)
- I had zero (as in literally zero) inspiration for a post.
- I was extremely tired, physically exhausted, still had not recovered from a nasty cold (I could not stop coughing for the life of me) sore all over, and ready to get my few precious hours of sleep that I could. And,
- I realized that the idea of pecking away -rather slowly- on a keyboard to try and get a -most likely stupid anyways- post out looked rather boring (and a waste of time) compared with the blissful thought of relaxing instead. ("Relaxing" is interpreted by me to mean that I'm sipping on a hot cup of tea while getting the privilege of reading my Bible, praying, and then getting some -much needed-sweet sleep as well.) Could you blame me?
So yeah, I have had a horrid cough all month, and now our family has caught a stomach flu that's going around. I think The Lord is putting us through a purging time!
So enough with excuses. Let's get on with the post....
I want to talk about keeping thyself pure.
So, girls have this little problem where they really like to go by their emotions a lot. (A friend of a friend told me one time...) And in doing so they can let down their guard and not keep their hearts with all diligence which causes themselves a lot of trouble.
We girls have something very priceless that we possess... Our purity.
And you know what we are to do with that priceless gift? Guard it.
And you know why? Because God says to.
And because it is to be kept very safe for one very special person... Your future husband.
You must diligently guard your emotions because you can easily let them run wild and pine your heart away on some guy that should never have it in the first place.
The Bible says that the Proverbs 31 woman did her husband good ALL the days of her life (even before she knew him!). Guarding your heart is doing your future husband good even before you know him!
Have you ever met a girl who just didn't guard her heart and emotions?
It seems like they just meet a guy who's seems godly (and handsome, and nice, and... well fill in the blank) and now they just "know" that he's "the one".
And they like to jump to conclusions and use a lot of imagination as well. You know how it is...
"Oh my he looked my way and smiled! I wonder what size tux he wears?"
The poor guy is oblivious to the fact that the girl is smitten and he is just being normal while the girl takes every little thing to mean that he wants to marry her or something. He can just look her way and she will automatically assume that he likes her (or whatever).
We've got to learn to carefully guard and protect our priceless hearts from getting emotionally attached to someone. Believe it or not real love isn't all about emotions (I know girls find this hard to realize). A marriage built on emotion WILL NOT last. You need a marriage built up on Jesus Christ and only then will it be solid as a rock.
One of my favorite verses is:
Proverbs 4:23, "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life."
And I also like the end of 1 Timothy 5:22 which says, "
keep thyself pure."
I recently heard a young man preaching (about abiding in Jesus- I think...) and one thing he said I really liked. (I am paraphrasing as I can't remember the exact quote). But he said something to the affect that, "Most young people desire to get married, but if you allow some person to take up your thoughts and affections in place of Jesus Christ you can fall into sin. Jesus Christ must be your first love. Allow Him to bring the right one in His perfect timing." He also shared the aforementioned verse (Proverbs 4:23). I liked that, as that is exactly how I feel as well. I'm always asking God to help my keep my heart and make sure that I never set up a mere man as an idol in my heart above Jesus Christ.
We need to remember that we are the temple of the Lord and we are not our own. We have been bought with a price! We need to see ourselves as belonging to God foremost, our Dad's secondly, and our future husbands third. Present your bodies as a living sacrifice to God.
I really love the fact that my Dad has my heart and I can come to him if I'm struggling with anything (or any person stealing my affections...). It's such a relief to me that I can trust his wisdom and guidance in this area as well. If you have a worthy Patriarch- then be sure to give him your heart! <3
Here's a story that I read in a book and really liked:
"THE GARDEN" Written by, Douglas Wilson
As my horse trotted wearily p the road, I could see the walls of a beautiful garden ahead. Outside the gate was an equally beautiful woman. At the sound of my greeting, she turned and dropped a curtsey. "Good sir. . . good morning."
I looked at her, and then at the garden walls extending out to the right and left. Behind her was the garden gate.
I said, "I am very thirsty. . . for something clean."
She smiled, and her smile made me thirstier still. But she said nothing.
"Is there water here?" I asked.
"There is a stream within my garden." Her statement was simply a statement of fact; there was no invitation at all in it.
I asked, "May I come in and drink?"
"No," She said. "The lord of my mother's garden does not permit that."
"Why is this? Other women have let me drink from the gardens which they tend." I glanced at the fruit-laden branches which were visible over the top of the garden walls. "You have a lovely garden, but those who let me drink had gardens just as beautiful."
She laughed at this, and her laugh was merry indeed.
"I have no doubt that you have been in some lovely gardens. But was the water clean?"
"NO." I said, and in spite of myself, turned my head and looked down. She continued with a question. "Is that why you are no longer in the gardens tended by these women?"
I was ashamed so I did not answer her. I looked past her into the garden. The path through the gate disappeared after a few feet, leaving the view of anyone on the road.
"It seems like a shame for such a garden to go to waste."
She seemed both puzzled and amused. "How does it go to waste?"
"Does any man drink from your stream?"
"No, but no man fouls it either."
"But is that not a waste? Was not your stream made to quench the thirst of travelers?"
"I'm afraid you are seriously mistaken. It was made to quench the thirst, not of travelers, but of the lord of the garden."
"Oh," I said, "This garden has a lord?"
"No," she said.
"Then I don't understand. Are you speaking in riddles?"
She smiled. "No, I am not. The garden will one day have a lord, although it does not yet. The stream is for him alone."
"And who will your lord be?"
"When my mother's lord gives a blessing, the one whom I appoint."
"How can the lesser appoint the greater?"
"How can it not be so? When my lord comes, I will grant to him my garden. But until I do, he is just another traveler."
"And what do you look for? I'm sure there are many who knock at your gate."
At this she blushed slightly but looked straight at me. "I will not have a lord who does not have a lord himself-my lord must have taken an oath of fealty to the Landlord."
"The Landlord? Who is he?"
"He is the owner of all the gardens along this road. In order to come into my garden, my lord must take an oath before the Landlord to tend the garden well. He must also swear that he will enter no other garden."
I had never heard such words as these before. "How long must he stay out of other gardens?"
"But what if he is born to travel?"
"Then he is not born for my garden."
"I see," I said, becoming a little angry. "Then why have I never heard of such an oath? I have been in many gardens."
"Yes, you said that before. But was the water clean? Were the gardens tended? This is what happens when there is no oath."
"So that is all? If someone takes an oath before this Landlord, you will make him your lord?"
"Well, what else then?"
"There are many men who think they can tend my garden well, and who would be willing to swear an oath before the Landlord saying so. But that does not mean that my mother's lord, or I, share their confidence."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that I know the extent of the garden. I have a knowledge of it that cannot be gained from the road. But no man can share that knowledge until after I have made him my lord and husband. So I must have the measure of the man before."
"So what must a man do? It seems like much work."
She smiled once again. "There is much work. There is also much fruit."
"So what must a man do?"
"The first thing is to--"
"Yes, I know. He must swear to the Landlord. But after?"
"He must return to me and ask to see my mother's lord."
"And what would he say?"
"That depends on the man." At this parting comment, she turned and walked slowly back into the garden, pulling the gate closed behind her. I spurred my horse, which began to trot down the road. I did not know what to think, but I needed to find this Landlord.
That's a neat story. It's also encouraging to help you keep your garden clean and pure. Guard it. Protect it. Save it for your future beloved.
Oh and by the way- I do not believe in "love at first sight." I do believe that people can have a good knockout attraction, but something as deep as love- true biblical love-is not something that just "happens" one day when you see a cute guy. Don't allow your emotions to rule you. Walk in the Spirit of God and allow Him to guide you in the way you should go.
Young ladies, guard your hearts. Keep thyself pure. Save everything for that one worthy man.
Love you all!
Your sis in Christ,
~Hope Jerusalem<3
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