Howdy folks!
I've been having fun serving and being hospitable to all these people staying with us and visiting us! :) Also, The Lord Jesus Christ has really been answering prayer, revealing marvelous things in His words to us, pouring His Spirit out, and allowing us to go out and seek and save that which is lost!
Just Saturday night we got the opportunity to street preach and go witnessing at our local mall.
I got into several conversations with people at the mall (including some dear old Christian ladies encouraging us!). When I handed one of those older ladies a "trillion dollar tract" she got all excited and said, "My daughter was just given one of these and I was telling her how I wanted one!" I laughed and said, "Well, you got your wish!" It was awesome.
I also saw the conviction on the faces of two young girls as I witnessed/shared the gospel with them and they even stated that they had never thought about eternity before until I had talked to them! Wow. We need more laborers out in that harvest.
Sharing the Gospel with lost souls.
Something I LOVE doing for sure!
So those who know me on a personal level know that I'm what you would call a "country girl wanna-be" (for lack of a better word). ha ha
I REALLY like the country. That's not to say I'm some "gun slinging- tomboyish- red neck" with camouflage fishing rods and a muddy truck.
And I'm definitely NOT a "Duck Dynasty" fan! Personally, I really don't like shooting just for fun. Hunting for food, and shooting at targets for practice (as well as learning how to use a gun just in case you would need to defend yourself) are fine.
I've only shot a gun when we were in Kentucky staying with some people. I was VERY nervous and only sort of liked the '22 long rifle with a sight. My Dad's '45 and all those other guns I shot (can't remember their names) just plain scared me. I'm not sure if I could bring myself to kill a deer either... I like eating the meat though! :) I do like throwing knives and archery.
I'm not a "tomboy" (I'm not afraid to "get my hands dirty"-so to speak-but I can be very ladylike). And I really just don't like fishing. I've tried to make myself like it but it's just too boring for me! ha ha. I may like beards but I CAN NOT stand Duck Dynasty! They have nasty long hair and I just don't like them. I've liked camo, beards, trucks, and the country long before there ever was a "Duck Dynasty."
Anyways, I do like the country. I like being by myself out in the middle of nowhere. Have you ever prayed in that setting? It's really awesome. :)
I like to "feminize" things that would other wise be "tomboyish." I like to mix lace and denim, camo and skirts, plaid and cowgirl boots. I've also recently decided that I actually do like pink camouflage (I didn't use to). I like "Ariat" and "RealTree".
I own about 10 plaid shirts, 3 camo skirts, lace and denim vests, 2 pairs of cow girl boots, an "Alamo" Cow girl hat, a pink camo hat, leather coat, leather belt, etc. etc.
I also just hand sewed lace on to a white skirt and wore it with my boots.
Here's a picture:
Here's a picture of my hat:

I was glad to finally be inspired enough to do another blog post! I hope y'all enjoyed. :)
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