Howdy folks. :)
I think I should be awarded "The worst blogger award". I don't know if there is such a thing, but I have invented it! ha ha
I know I forsake this blog, but I really do have a life... I mean I really, truly, am VERY busy all the time! :)
My main goals for 2015 are really just to study the bible more, trust God more, have more Faith, and just do all I can to glorify Jesus Christ! :)
My verse for 2015 is: Romans 8:18.
But anyways, I'm gonna do some awkward and awesome posts (haven't done one in a while and I still do get "awkward moments" -believe it or not). ;)
- So I finally worked up the courage to ask a group of people to "please excuse me" while I tried to quickly exit through a door and then the rug got caught on the door. Well, I'm that weird person who gets embarrassed about everything and I was too embarrassed to bend down and try to fix it- so I opted for squeezing my skinny frame through the small crack instead. Well, then my hair got stuck in the wreath on the door. And people are watching. And I'm still halfway squeezed between the inside of the church building and the porch. I ended ripping my hair out of the wreath and running for the comfort of our truck. ha ha (I've also been stuck on the outside of that particular church building because the door was stuck on the rug; someone on the inside had to help. And I've also opened that same door too fast and rammed into some people prayer pacing. Nice.)
- I have this wicked problem where my face turns red over nothing (you can just look at me weird and I'll blush!). So, we were in Oklahoma at a friend's house for Bible study and the combination of being in an apartment crowded with lots of people, wearing long sleeves, being very hot, recently sick, and helping serve people had caused my face to turn a nice shade of pinkish red. Well then somebody had to tell me my face was red (I can feel the heat rising in my face as they say it). Then somebody else says, "Wow! Your face is REALLY red now!" and then somebody else says, "Now it's getting redder!" I just buried my face in my hands until the attention was diverted from me. I was longing to go outside in the delicious freedom of being by myself in the cold air!
- In a group conversation with a bunch of girls and saying, "Well I personally really like beards as long as they're not all scraggly and unkempt! They make guys look more masculine..." *Blank stares from everyone*
(My sisters and I ended up in a debate against everyone else on why beards are Biblical. ha ha)
- Lifting a decently heavy object with my Dad and hearing a red neck standing by say, "Well, she's stronger than she looks!"
- Wearing my cowgirl hat and having random people say "Howdy!" to me.
- Standing in line to get food at a fellowship meal (at camp meeting) and getting hit with the front door multiple times.
- Quoting "Psalm 133" with my family and saying "Aaron's beards" instead of "beard." My family was like, "Aaron has more than one beard?!"
- Recently one of my friends asked to borrow my chapstick, so willingly I pulled it out of my boot only to have her refuse. "Please remind me to never borrow chapstick from you! You keep it in your BOOT!" She cried.
I didn't think it was strange... ha ha "My feet are not stinky!" I laughed. I also keep my pocket knife and anything else I can think of in there. I mean they never make skirts with pockets (which is stupid) and so my boots are a great little "storage area".
- Having this nasty rust water pour down my shirt and than showing my siblings only to hear my little brother say, "Wow Hope! I knew you were getting old!"
- Having a really bad cough and than making the mistake of doing a bunch of sit-ups. I literally had to hold my stomach while trying not to cough. I looked like a dying duck.
- Trying to sing with a cough. Also having to run to the bathroom and smash my face into the corner of the wall to cough because my cough sounded so bad I didn't want anyone in our church to hear me!
- My friend Cheyenne kept saying "Hi cop!" to me every time I walked by her and I couldn't figure out why. Then at the end of the day it finally dawned on me... I was wearing my "C.O.P.S. Christians Obediently Preaching Salvation" shirt! ha ha I felt really dumb.
- Having a lady hand me a thank-you card after I did her hair and then I went to (very unladylike) open it with my razor blade. I then blushed and said sorry as I opened it with my fingers instead. I have gotten some bad habits from working with my razor blade all the time... ha ha
- Having some people move here! I'm SOOOO excited. :) We have been preparing to house them. What a blessed reunion we shall have! I'm very excited for the day when our whole OK sister church can be here. Heaven on earth. *sigh*
- The Lord really opening His words up to my family and church! It's amazing!
- Going to be preaching the local "Winter Jam" in a couple days. :)
- Making some very delicious dark chocolate brownies.
- Hand sewing some lace onto a white skirt. It's almost done... :)
- Selling some of my artwork and getting to bless people at the same time.
- Getting some ribbons to wear in my hair (I really like ribbons for some weird reason).
- Getting a new "Real Tree" pink camouflage hat. It's very pretty.
- Pretty snow everywhere here!
- Learning more songs on the piano and guitar by ear ("My Jesus I Love Thee", etc.).
- Getting to sing/play guitar at my Brother's and his Fiancée's wedding. So sweet that they'd choose me and my sisters! <3 It'll be July 31... Nervous and very excited at the same time.
- My brother maybe finding his house! Wow. Time is really flying for me and my family.
Well, I gotta go. Hope you are all BLESSED IN JESUS!!!! <3<3<3
Your sis in Christ,
~Hope Jerusalem<3
Romans 8:18
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