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The Grass Was Dead on the Other Side WARNING: Do NOT read this post if you plan on being proud and rejecting what you read! Hell will be hotter for you. DO CONTINUE to read if you have a soft and humble heart. This post contains a VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE.  Amen.  Isaiah 40:6-8, " The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." I always wanted to be a princess. All of my young girl dreams were filled with royal princes, fighting knights, dancing ballerinas, handsome kings, and beautiful queens. A dreamer by nature, with a wild imagination (runs in the family), I spent my youth dressing up, dancing, and playing “princess” games with my sisters. Castles were incredible to me ...

The Last Days Generation (Why I'm Saddened)

Hello dears! I am back (again...). :) Isn't that nice? Hope you are all doing well and blessed in Jesus. My spiritual birthday was great! Something special always happens on that day and something special did happen. We got to go encourage and bless a brother,  recovering in a nursing home, with music and fellowship. :) 

So... I've been thinking about this post for a while and feel the need to do it. 

 This generation is in a mess of sin, and selfishness, and worldliness. It's so sad for me to see.
I'm going to write about some different things that I see that are wrong in the generation around me.

1) The total selfishness.
There's no denying of self anymore. It is always about me, me, me and no concern for others or God. Being self consumed is a sin!  You are to die self and live through Christ and His Spirit.
The love of self is so sickening to behold. You should be esteeming others as better than yourself and putting them ahead. When you get caught up with yourself then you start to lose your fire for God, you get self conscious (a form of pride by the way), your prayer life weakens, and you end up alone in your own little depressing bubble. Not good. I say we start putting God first, others next, and and ourselves last. Watch that joy grow when you do!

2) The Pride.
Now this is a big one. I have seen MANY people destroyed in my short life by this one! A lot of people really seem to think that they are something special deserving of everyone's attention and service.  Ever met someone like that? Some are loud and proud attention getters and some just have this proud reserve like they're too cool to even have to stoop down into your pathetic little world and talk to you. Both are proud and both are wicked.
I also hate it when guys or girls get this superiority complex like they're so handsome/beautiful, perfect, spiritual, and worthy of a spouse of equal beauty, perfection, and spirituality but they are not all of that! They get so high minded and conceited and it disgusts me. Now the confidence of the Lord is not to be confused with pride. And I'm NOT saying that you should settle for less in a future spouse if you really are on fire for God and Spiritual. Just remember that all glory goes to God and not you. And you MUST remain humble! Do not allow pride into your life as it will destroy you.

3) The lack of respect for Authority and the Elderly.
If there's anything I hate it's to watch a person disrespect an Authority in their life. If you have godly Parents and/or a godly Pastor who is worthy of honour then why would you not respect them? Why would you disregard the things they say and treat them like they're stupid and dumb when they are wise, godly, and worthy to be honored?  This generation is taught to be rebellious, disrespectful, and that they don't need older (wiser) people to help them out in life and give them good, sound, godly council. I love getting council from my awesome parents! They have helped me so much with everything, prayed for me, and given me sound wisdom that has kept me from making dumb mistakes in life.
I also greatly enjoy listening to older people talk as the wisdom there is really nice to glean from and edifying.
The Bible does say to rise up before the hoary head. That is honour and respect. Also opening doors for the weak/elderly, saying "yes sir" and "yes mamm", picking things up that they dropped, and offering them your chairs are other ways to show that you respect them (also guys should do those things for girls).
If you have godly people in your life (such as parents or pastors) you should be looking to them as your examples and role models. This generation does not need more pop stars, movie stars, or worldly people to be their role models in life. Jesus and Christ-like people should be who you follow.

4) The laziness.
I hate seeing laziness in people. I'm sorry, but I just can't understand how you can go through life doing absolutely nothing. As a Christian you should be setting a good example to the world by being a diligent and hard worker. You do not have time for idleness as a Christian. The Bible says to redeem the time because the days are evil. Being bored is not an option.
 Elisabeth Elliot said, "You always have time for the will of God." And that is true.
Women should be hard workers but what disgusts me even more than lazy women is guys who don't work. I can not stand to see a guy sitting by and watching when I am (or another person)
lifting something heavy or doing something that they could be helping with. Also,  when a worldly guy is more respectful, opening doors, and offering to help more than some Christian guys I know,  that's sad.

5) The lack of purity.
It is really sad to see a generation of impure people today. Purity is now mocked and scorned. As Christians we are to keep ourselves pure and be an example of purity.

6) The immaturity.
Just last night I heard some neighbors talking and one was actually offended that the other had called her 'mature' ! I was like, "Are you kidding me?!"
That is the generation today. No one wants to grow up. In the Bible you could go to war by the age of 20 (which represents wisdom in Bible numerics). Nowadays 20 is still goof off age for most! I hate immaturity. It's not Christ like to be childish, nonsober, and foolish. In 1 Corinthians 13 it talks about putting away childish things and manning up. You Are to grow in Christ! You need to be sober as well. The Bible does talk about soberness and gives commands for you to be sober! I say we take that seriously and GROW UP!

And lastly....  7) Men not being men and women not being women. 

Most men today are just effeminate little Ahab jerks who care about nothing but themselves. Sad but true. The art of heart winning is gone as men are too afraid to stand up and be real men who lead, protect, defend, and initiate. They just want to lay back, do nothing, and have no accountability, and no vision in life. They run from hard work, patriarchal autbority/accountability, responsibility, and a fervency  and zeal for truth. 
I am wondering where all the great men in the Bible I read about have gone (like in 1 Chronicles 12)....
Are there any real patriarchal men left? 

Women today do not help the guy problem because they just go with it and even encourage effeminate Ahab ways by being Jezebel their own selves. Self consumed, vain, empty headed, ditzy, silly women are what we have left. So sad. 

Are YOU going to be different from this generation? Are YOU going to seek the Lord? Where's the love for God? Where is the zeal? Where is the generation of the righteous? Are you just going to be like the generation mentioned in Proverbs 30? I sure hope and pray that your answer is no! Children of God, RISE UP! 



    But even, in great darkness, our LIGHT in CHRIST JESUS shines GREATLY!!! Even, in these last days, MANY souls will be REAPED into the KINGDOM of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!

    All in all, we will keep on interceding for our lands and PREACHING, SHARING the GOSPEL of of our LORD JESUS!!!



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