I truly think that in someone's existence there comes a moment where you feel just completely and totally alone. Have you ever felt lonely? It's not just those single (Prince Charming-less) girls who feel "lonely" at moments. Normal people surrounded by those who love them and care for them, can and will feel lonely as well. Why? I think I know why people get lonely. But, I will get to that in a second. First this:
I wrote a little piece (paper? poem?) about "loneliness" one time when I myself was feeling very lonely. It goes as follows:
Loneliness smells like: sap dripping from a pine tree.
Loneliness feels like: My fingers gliding through a pool of water.
Loneliness looks like: Someone silently walking through a wooded area.
Loneliness sound like: rain drizzling on the roof.
Loneliness tastes like: hot, salty tears.
At some point in a person's existence I'm sure that there comes an utter feeling of... loneliness.
Loneliness. The word itself evokes feelings of despair, heart ache, solitaire, and desertion.
Being a true Christian can at moments cause even the most steadfast and strong one to -at some point- feel like they are walking in a solitary way.
What does loneliness remind me of? My mind gets evoked with several different images:
A lone flower in a desert. A lonely man crying out to God on his knees. A person incarcerated for being a Christian. A solitary eagle soaring through the miles of endless air.
And then there's me. Me at those moments when no one understands my pain, my dreams, my heart aches, and... well... me.
And when I sit and stare out the forlorn window contemplating my state of solitary confinement, it's then a still small voice speaks to my wandering heart. My tears quickly subside as I realize that loneliness is actually a gift. A gift! My Beloved Saviour calls me again. Oh He longs for me to pour my heart out to Him! Oh He's there to offer the most ready ear! If I never got lonely would I run to Him? Would I open up completely?
I run after His heart. It's full of love and hope for me. Those who walk with Jesus, really truly walk with Him, can never have a solitary way. There's no loneliness when you're in His arms.
There's a lot of reasons for loneliness. Let me go after each one in turn.
One can be Selfishness.
If you are so focused on yourself, your wants, your desires, your dreams, your decisions, or whatever it is you can become lonely. No one understands. No one cares. No one listens. And then your little lonely "pity-party" can then lead into depression. Who wants that?
I do speak from experience here folks. The Lord really had grown me in Him and taught a few things in my short life. Selfishness always leads to more sin. Period.
Here's a quote I really like that greatly convicted me one day when I read it. It really challenged me to start focusing on JESUS, and than OTHERS, while COMPLETELY forgetting about myself.
"If you pour out yourself for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom shall be as the noon day. (Is.58) Here, I think, lies the answer to the barrenness of a single life, or of a life that might otherwise be selfish or lonely.
It is the answer to, I have found, to depression as well. You yourself will be given light in exchange for pouring yourself out, you yourself will get guidance, the satisfaction of your longings, and strength when you pour yourself out; when you make the satisfaction of somebody else's desire your own concern."
Elisabeth Elliot
And I have found this to be true. The more I focus on LOVING and SERVING Jesus Christ, and serving others, the less lonely and depressed I feel.
Matthew 16:24 it says,
"Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me."
Following Jesus IS about denying YOU. You are crucified with Christ.
Another form of loneliness can come from Being a True Christian. Like the picture above says, this Christ-like walk can be difficult. Everyone seems to hate you (I am speaking from experience again).
No one seems to love God with everything in them. Everyone seems to just throw in the towel and be like everyone else. No one is peculiar. No one hates the carnal world. No one is radically following Christ. And it seems like you are the only one. Period. End of discussion.
But guess what? I have good news for you! You are really not the only one! Remember Elijah in the Bible (when he was running from WICKED Jezebel)? Remember how he thought he was the only Prophet left, and how he just wanted to die (ever felt like that? Be honest!). What did God tell him?
1 Kings 19:18 ,
"Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him."
Isn't that great to hear? There ARE others out there! ha ha
I know I have allowed myself to get that "Elijah syndrome" but, it's not a good thing.
So many times when standing for truth we have felt all alone. But take heart, there are others who are standing too, and they may think they are all alone as well.
Here's a neat little "poem" type thing that we have sitting on our bookshelf in our living room (written on an antique book mark):
"A Solitary Way"
There is a mystery in human hearts,
And though we be encircled by a host
Of those who love us well, and are beloved,
To every one of us, from time to time,
There comes a sense of utter loneliness.
Our dearest friend is “stranger” to our joy,
And cannot realize our bitterness.
“There is not one who really understands,
Not one to enter into all I feel,”
Such is the cry of each of us in turn.
We wander in “a solitary way,”* (Psalm 107:4)
No matter what or where our lot may be;
Each heart, mysterious even to itself,
Must live its inner life in solitude.
And would you know the reason why this is?
It is because the Lord desires our love.
In every heart He wishes to be first,
He therefore keeps the secret key Himself,
To open all its chambers, and to bless
With perfect sympathy and holy peace
Each solitary soul which comes to Him.
So when we feel this loneliness it is
The voice of Jesus saying, “Come to me”;
And every time we are “not understood,”
It is a call to us to come again:
For Christ alone can satisfy the soul.
And those who walk with Him from day to day
Can never have “a solitary way.”
And when beneath some heavy cross you faint
And say, “I cannot bear this load alone,”
You say the truth. Christ made it purposely
So heavy that you must return to Him.
The bitter grief, which “no one understands,”
Conveys a secret message from the King,
Entreating you to come to Him again.
The “Man of sorrows”* (Isaiah 53:3) understands it well,
“In all points tempted,”* (Hebrews 4:15) He can feel with you;
You cannot come too often, or too near.
The Son of God is infinite in grace,
His presence satisfies the longing soul;
And those who walk with Him from day to day
Can never have “a solitary way."
I like it! :)
Elisabeth Elliot once said, "Loneliness is a required course for leadership."
You may be getting prepared to be a leader in the faith!
You know even if no one else was following Jesus I STILL WOULD FOLLOW HIM!
"Though none go with me I still will follow!" And just remember, you poor soul, when you feel all alone in your walk with God- that there is a young lady named "Hope" out there who is still following Jesus, and who WILL CONTINUE to follow Him till her death (or till the glorious rapture). And that there are others. There really are others!
I'll even make a deal with you: Next time I feel lonely I'll pray for you, and next time you feel lonely just remember God's handmaiden in prayer. <3
Another form of loneliness can come from impatience in waiting for God to bring you your future spouse (and yes, sadly, I do speak from experience here as well).
You know the feeling (or may remember the feeling) when it seems like EVERYONE is in a relationship, and you are the poor lone princess with out an amazingly handsome Prince to instantly make you feel loved and fulfilled.
Believe it or not, loneliness is a gift from God. Eric Ludy said in His and Leslie's book "When God Writes Your Love Story", "Most people never realize that loneliness is a gift from God. Not only can it draw us closer to Jesus, it can teach us to cherish a long awaited marriage relationship all the more. And in that loneliness we can weave something of our own to honor the person who will make our faithful waiting worthwhile someday."
Use this time of loneliness to all the more SEEK JESUS, LOVE JESUS, AND LIVE FOR JESUS.
Jim Elliot wrote to Elisabeth (his future wife) one time. "Let not our longing slay the appetite of our living."
If you're just constantly thinking about how lonely you are, and how you will not be happy with out an earthly lover, well, you're really not using your time wisely! Think about how precious this time is with just you and God! Savor every minute!
Loneliness really does contribute to the maturing of character. It causes you to lean on God and trust Him more. I think it's really a great time in your life, it's just that no one else seems to think so! Let's be different. Let's use this time to glorify God with our lives. Are you with me?
And if you have one of those "lonely pity-parties" again do this: Go to God, offer your loneliness to Him, find fulfillment in Him, and you can even harness all that lonely romantic longings into a beautiful love letter for your future spouse. Can you imagine how happy your future husband will be to read a beautiful piece of your heart as you were faithfully waiting for him? He will be most pleased I assure you! <3
Give thanks. Thank God for this time of loneliness. Run into His arms. Focus on Him. Read His beautiful love letter to you. Find all fulfillment in Him. Serve others. Stop focusing on yourself.
And come out of this short time of loneliness tried and refined and purified. Use this time to allow God to make you stronger.
Listen, when you finally do meet your "Mr.Right" Three things will most likely dawn on you:
1) You'll wish you had focused on God more and worked more on your love story with Him.
2) You'll realize that it really wasn't that long of a wait.
3) And you'll realize that it was worth every second!
The reason why so many people are still so lonely (even though they may be surrounded by people who love them) is because Jesus is who they are longing after! GO AFTER JESUS and NEVER look back. You'll be very glad you did. Your future spouse is not the answer to your loneliness (it may fulfill you temporarily but soon it'll fade). Jesus Christ is the answer. Run to Him!
Some good verses:
1 Corinthians 13:4,
"Charity suffereth long
Matthew 6:33,
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
Psalm 73:25,
"Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee."
Love you all! Stay strong! And keep thyself pure. <3
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