(Aren't lighthouses neat?) ^^^^^^
So life has been busy as usual. (Imagine that!)
I'm looking forward to some fun trips ahead for my family and I. We're going to a King James Bible Jubilee and to an Island. :) Fun.
Life right Now:
Seeing... My mom doing coupons, my sis playing with my brother's toy cars, and my other baby sis trying to go to sleep.
Hearing... My sis playing Canon in c on our out of tune piano.
Smelling... French fries (from dinner)
Tasting... nothing at the moment.
Holding... the laptop in my lap.
Needing... to clean the kitchen, pray (always need to pray more!), answer emails, catch up on blog posts, grant the requests for artwork from people, and answer letters (I'm so behind.... :p).
Wanting... to go to bed right now.
Regretting... eating those French fries and the York peppermint patty... :p
Feeling... not that great physically (due to allergies, etc.). feeling pretty tired, but... I feel blessed to have one amazing lover of my soul! Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. I just LOVE that name. *sigh*
Wishing... that I was more in love with Jesus than I am.
Thinking... about everything from upcoming trips, to things I need to do, to my future, etc.
Laughing... at my crazy siblings.
Recovering... from the sinus headache I had all day today.
Believing... that the Lord will do provide in our areas of need.
Anticipating... our Lord's soon return. Even so COME Lord Jesus!
Dreaming... about my future.
Praying... for my friends, the trip, lost souls, and specific requests.
Reading... The book of Judges and "Set-Apart Femininity" by, Leslie Ludy
Singing... "It's Under The Blood"
Wearing... Floor length denim skirt, gray t-shirt, and plaid flats.
Preparing... to be a great man of God's perfect helper- Lord willing someday.
Remembering... Our amazingly BLESSED trip to Mississippi and Oklahoma.
Trying... to hurry and finish this.
Questioning... my future sometimes when I should be trusting.
Fearing... that I don't have enough faith to believe God. That I won't be "perfect" enough (my weakness: I am a perfectionist).
Loving... God, but not enough... Oh if I only could love Him perfectly! And family and family in Christ.
Googling... my blog.
Choosing... to suffer shame for the name of Jesus. To hazard my life for Him. To live for Christ. To die for Christ (if He wills). To fight though I feel weak. To suffer persecution and do it with joy. To be different from this world even though it costs a lot. Choosing Jesus over the world, worldly pleasures, friends, and sin.
Working... on art and answering letters.
Emailing... friends.
Gluing... nothing.
Cracking... my knuckles when I'm nervous or after playing guitar and they're sore. It's a bad habit.
Considering... things God's put on my heart.
Turning... people to Jesus. Turning my eyes away from that which is wicked.
Reducing... the time I spend on the computer and my sugar intake.
Longing... to meet Jesus face to face and to see my only friends in this life face to face. :(
Suffering... with loneliness at moments, and attacks on every side by the enemy-but trusting in God.
Recognizing... that I can't do much at all in my own strength. I need Jesus!
Checking... my email.
Practicing... guitar and more selflessness.
Reckoning... That Jesus is worth any and ALL suffering
Smiling... because my joy is unspeakable!
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