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The Spirit of Rape!
Greetings! 🙂 Sister Hope here…
Consider this allegory:
There was a man who became the servant of a Master Jeweler. This man’s job was to seek and search out all of the hidden jewels, diamonds, intricate details, and secrets of the master. The man devoted his life to seeking, studying, searching, and spotting secrets. He lost sleep, gave up his own pleasures and free time, and he passionately pursued every little detail that the Master had hidden in his great works. Observing the man’s tireless dedication, and his blood, sweat, and tears, the master rewarded this man with beautiful golden finds (and led him in all the right paths to find the hid treasures). The man continues on, growing in skill, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of the master and his works. He always aimed to bring honour and glory to the great master.
A few decades later, a young man joins the pursuit. As a novice, impatient and rather greedy for the secrets- he begs and begs the older (more experienced) man for some pointers, tips, and secrets. He milks the man for all he’s worth, and then ran away with all the finds! Instead of, respectfully, giving credit to where credit was due, he took all of the credit and started publicizing all the unique golden secrets himself! Worst of all, against the Master’s express commands, he charged money for it!
Dare we fathom the mindset of such a young man? Perhaps he was envious and jealous of the older man, thus attempting to blow the older
Man’s light out so his would look brighter. Perhaps he was desirous of vain glory, and wanted the praise and respect of man. (It would have been more honorable, humble, and respectful to honour the face of the older man!)
Perhaps in Pride he thought that he did not now need any help with the secrets, and that they were his treasures. Who knows…
In the end, who will the great Master jeweler reward and honour openly? That’s for you to decide, dear friend.
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