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Love warns!!!/ Think about eternity! ❤️
Yes!!!! Such a good and important word from Dad today! How Satan loves to distract people from thinking about eternity and the consequences of sin! Sooo sad.
Friends Don't Let Friends Go to Hell!
07/27 Daily Exhortation (Heb.3:13; 10:25; Matt.6:11; Luke 11:3).
On this 7/27, to follow is a 7:27 Construction for Instruction (2 Tim. 3:16).
Proverbs 7:27 (KJB) Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.
Many are her slain. Many have taken Jezebel’s path, the whorish woman’s path, the odious woman’s (Prov. 30) path. Many have taken the spiritual Whore of Babylon’s path.
But of special note is the DIRECTION of hell. Note the GOING DOWN. The parallel passage is similar:
Proverbs 5:5 Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.
Let’s do an exercise. LOOK DOWN AT THE FLOOR. GO AHEAD. Now imagine going beyond that floor, past the earth’s mantle, down into that molten magma/lava in what the Bible calls “the heart of the earth.” There are multitudes burning in hell RIGHT NOW beneath your feet. Where are YOU GOING? Where is your FAMILY GOING? Are your actions causing others to GO THERE? The sin of causing others to sin is a very serious issue. In Matthew 18, God said to cause young people to stumble/offend is to be in a state that one would be better off with a millstone about their neck and they were drowned in the depths of the sea. What is “sorer punishment” than death? HELLFIRE.
Most don't take hell seriously. Most don't take the Bible seriously. Most don’t take the local church seriously. Most don’t walk in the FEAR OF GOD. Most ignore the clear warnings of scripture. They are simply NOT ALARMED. Right when I was about to write this article, our fire alarm went off. FOR NO REASON. There was no reason. No candles. No incense. Nothing. I took it to heart. God likes to use physical types and symbols. We have sounded the SIREN against the SIRENS (in our focus passage) for years. Most don’t listen. WHERE IS THE FIRE ALARM/SMOKE DETECTOR spiritually speaking?
Interesting that they call the molten magma channels “veins.” Ever see a Volcanic explosion on video or pictures? See that blood red appearance? God calls this the “blood of the earth” in Isaiah 26 and Rev. 14. Jesus said there would be more earthquakes in the last days (Matt. 24). Isaiah prophesies that “hell hath enlarged herself.” The earth is heating up. Whether we have seconds or years, signs are abounding.
Proverbs 15:24 says “hell BENEATH.” Many passages could be cited, but HELL IS UNDER YOUR FEET.
It is not a pleasant thought. But I exhort you to CONSIDER YOUR ETERNAL FATE. CONSIDER YOUR FAMILY’S ETERNAL FATE. Love warns. No warning about hell is too strong. Eternity in hell is a long time to be wrong.
There will be no partying in hell – only partiers. There will be no drunkenness in hell – only drunks. There will be no fornication in hell – only fornicators. There will be no lying in hell (only liars). There will be no rock and roll in hell (only rock and rollers). There will be no railing in hell (only railers).
The DOMINO EFFECT. Jezebel is going down. She wants to take you. Satan is going down. He wants to take as many as possible. Rebels are going down. The renegade rebels all rally to one another’s support. To what final end?
ONLY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST can save from sin and hell beneath.
Imagine somebody you love burning in hell forever. Think about this. You may be their ONLY CHANCE. Love them enough to warn. Tell them about the only escape from hellfire (The Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ).
I exhort you, I implore you, I beseech you, FLEE FROM THE WRATH TO COME. Flee to JESUS, YOUR GOD AND CREATOR WHO SHED HIS BLOOD to atone for our sins, was buried, and rose again. FLEE FROM THE FIRES. FLEE FROM THE FLESH. FLEE FROM “FRIENDS” who would encourage hellbound living. Repent (change your mind and direction), trusting Christ alone for salvation and be born again.
This 7/27, have an ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE.
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Indeed, yes.