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The finals…
Dear Dad’s BLESSED teaching today. Enjoy.
07/12 Daily Exhortation (Heb.3:13; 10:25; Matt.6:11; Luke 11:3)…
For today’s date of 7/12, here is a 7:12 CONSTRUCTION FOR INSTRUCTION and exhortation for edification:
Genesis 7:12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
Let’s talk about the number 40 in Bible Numerics. You see, forty (40) represents TRIALS AND TESTINGS.
God tests mankind.
Job 7:17-18 17 What is man, that thou shouldest magnify him? and that thou shouldest set thine heart upon him? 18 And that thou shouldest visit him every morning, and try him every moment?
God is testing/trying us EVERY MOMENT. Our Creator put us here for this blip on the radar of time/eternity FOR A TEST. This is a test to show if we want God to get all the glory or if we will take His glory.
This is a test to see whether we want Him forever or HELL forever.
This is a test to see whether we’ll seek Him by faith or nay.
I think of the fact that “adultery” is used 40 times in the Bible. Why? This is one of the tests on mankind. Will you be faithful with your eyes/heart? Jesus taught that looking with lust is adultery in the heart. Will you pass the test?
When an instructor gives tests, and you fail, you MUST BE TESTED AGAIN. The tests get harder and harder as you grow and graduate. But you will get repeated tests on the ones you have failed.
The gold you bring out of Egypt (emblematic of the world and being in bondage to sin/flesh/world) can be used for idolatry (golden calf) or constructing God's temple. Here is some gold I brought out of Egypt. Until Junior High, I was straight A's in elementary. I would genuinely study for tests. But sometimes a test question or questions WOULD STUMP ME. I learned this technique. I would raise my hand and the teacher would come by my desk. I would whisper something like: "I studied, but this question. Can you please rephrase the question?" Inevitably, and invariably, the teacher would rephrase WITH A CLUE. In short, a good teacher WANTS YOU TO PASS. So, during those tests, TALK A LOT TO THE MASTER/TEACHER to get clues regarding the RIGHT ANSWER/RESPONSE to the test. It never failed then, and HE NEVER FAILS NOW.
King Asa comes to mind. In the 39th year of his reign, he was diseased in his feet, but it says he sought after the physicians and not God. So, in the 41st year of his reign, HE DIED. Note the missing number there? 40. This means the 40th year of his reign, he was tested/tried. The Bible says “Cursed is the man that trusteth in man.” It is not that physicians are evil, but seeking them BEFORE THE LORD is the test. Asa failed. Asa fatally failed. Matter of fact “Kings of Israel” is in the Bible 40 times and they were often a huge test. Saul’s son was 40 when he reigned. David reigned 40 years. Solomon reigned 40 years. “Herod” is in the Bible 40 times. God will use earthly kings to TEST/TRY man.
Israel wandered in the Wilderness of SIN (hint hint) for 40 years. Most failed the TEST. Sometimes the test comes because you haven't shown you have mastered the subject.
The 10 commandments are a test. Moses received them after a 40 day/40 night test. Goliath withstood Israel for 40 days.
When God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, was tested, it was after a 40 days and 40 nights period.
“Beaten” is 40 times in the Bible. Jesus was beaten “forty stripes save one” and this all begins in the 40th book of the Bible,
Matthew, the New Testament. TESTS. TRIALS. Take up your cross daily. LOVE IT, HATE IT, EMBRACE IT.
“Merciful” is 40 times. Why? God is TESTING YOU to see if you’ll be merciful and thusly obtain mercy. Praying for mercy for your enemies today?
Back to our focus passage. Jesus taught His coming would be as the days of Noah. God is TESTING THIS EARTH in the last days. 40 WEEKS is a gestation period. God calls the last days “birth pains.”
The test is to see if you will GIVE JESUS YOUR EVERYTHING.
Your FORTY will come SHORTLY.
Campus preaching, one thing we blazed was the question: "GETTING READY FOR THE FINALS? Judgment Day Finals is forthcoming fast."
Will you hear “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”?
Blessed Best during the Test, -r <3
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ReplyDeleteAmen, important.