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The Grass Was Dead on the Other Side WARNING: Do NOT read this post if you plan on being proud and rejecting what you read! Hell will be hotter for you. DO CONTINUE to read if you have a soft and humble heart. This post contains a VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE.  Amen.  Isaiah 40:6-8, " The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." I always wanted to be a princess. All of my young girl dreams were filled with royal princes, fighting knights, dancing ballerinas, handsome kings, and beautiful queens. A dreamer by nature, with a wild imagination (runs in the family), I spent my youth dressing up, dancing, and playing “princess” games with my sisters. Castles were incredible to me

Tabernacle Typology ❤️

 This is such a gorgeous charge full of beautiful Bible detail! I LOVE Dad’s teachings on Tabernacle Typology!!! Praise the Lord. -Hope ❤️❤️❤️⚔️🎯💯🩵🩵🩵

Dear Dad’s (Randall Hartinger) Teaching for Today. Get that BLESSING!


A Touch of Tabernacle Typology and Slight Selection of Sanctuary Symbolism

08/02 Daily (Heb. 3:13;10:25;Matt.6:11;Luke 11:3) Exhortation. 

On this 8/2, here is an 8:2 verse Construction for Instruction…

Numbers 8:2 (KJB) Speak unto Aaron, and say unto him, When thou lightest the lamps, the seven lamps shall give light over against the candlestick.

Just like you use your eye to inspect your eye, stand on a hill to defend it, use logic to explain logic, take one into a house to prove what's in the house, use the Bible to explain the Bible, you allow the lamp/light to lighten up the lamp/light.  

Let’s talk TYPOLOGY. The candlestick represents the WORD OF GOD, which is called a “lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path.” The golden candlestick was beaten of one piece of PURE GOLD even as all 66 books have one united theme: CHRIST. It contained 7 almond branches (like Aaron’s almond rod that budded). There were 66 ornaments total representing the 66 books of the Bible. The middle prong/branch contained 12 ornaments and the other 6 (3 on each side) contained 9 apiece. Not sure if you caught just how marvelous God laid that out. See, there were 39 ornaments from left to right, and then another 27 – JUST LIKE THE BIBLE (39 books in the OT and 27 in the NT). Yes. 66-book-onlyism has much internal evidence. 

The candlestick would shine light onto the table of shewbread which were TWO ROWS OF 6 representing the 66 books!!! The BIBLE sheds light on the BIBLE. God will SHEW you things in that BREAD. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. 

Psalms 36:9 sums up the matter: “…In thy light shall we see light.” THE BIBLE SHINES LIGHT UPON THE BIBLE. 

Our focus passage says that the seven lamps gives light BACK TO THE CANDLESTICK. 

God’s word reflects upon itself. It is called a mirror in James. In short, we are commanded to compare “spiritual things with spiritual" (1 Cor. 2). Jesus called His words "spirit" in John 6:63. We are commanded to allow God’s word to REFLECT UPON ITSELF. James calls this mirror “the perfect law of liberty.” On and on. 

You have to spend time in the word to allow it to reflect upon itself. You ever took a mirror reflection and reflected it into another mirror? Behold, INFINITY. It reflects as far as the eye can detect. God’s word reflects the INFINITE MIND OF GOD.


Watch this 8:2…

1 Corinthians 8:2 (KJB) And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.

When you think you “know” the Bible, it reflects upon itself forever. We will never MASTER the infinite mind of God. God’s words are eternal. He will teach it to us FOREVER AND EVER. It is not just a lifelong Book, but EVERLASTING. 

Will you reflect on the word of God today and allow the lamps to shine light upon the lampstand itself? Need light on a passage of scripture? It is found elsewhere in the scripture (Isaiah 28, etc.). 

One of the earmarks of our day is the inability to endure sound doctrine, and thusly what ensues is Bible Blockheadedness. They have little to nothing to reflect upon because of slothfulness in the study of scriptures. They stumble in darkness. 



Basking in the Bible Light, -r <3


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