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The Grass Was Dead on the Other Side WARNING: Do NOT read this post if you plan on being proud and rejecting what you read! Hell will be hotter for you. DO CONTINUE to read if you have a soft and humble heart. This post contains a VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE.  Amen.  Isaiah 40:6-8, " The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." I always wanted to be a princess. All of my young girl dreams were filled with royal princes, fighting knights, dancing ballerinas, handsome kings, and beautiful queens. A dreamer by nature, with a wild imagination (runs in the family), I spent my youth dressing up, dancing, and playing “princess” games with my sisters. Castles were incredible to me

House pf Saul Vs. House of David!

Dear Dad’s Bible Breakdown today. ENJOY!


House of Saul, SIT THOU STILL!!!!

09/27 Daily Exhortation (Heb.3:13; 10:25; Matt.6:11; Luke 11:3)

One of my favorite passages and oft-quoted over the years is a 9:27 for this 9/27 day about which to pray and on which to stay…

1 Samuel 9:27 (KJB)  And as they were going down to the end of the city, Samuel said to Saul, Bid the servant pass on before us, (and he passed on,) but stand thou still a while, that I may shew thee the word of God.

Let’s get the typology together. THE HOUSE OF SAUL VERSUS THE HOUSE OF DAVID. This is a rich allegory laden down with much revelation and God will cause that sharp divide. 

EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. PERIOD. And in every single time period. 

2 Samuel 3:1 Now there was long war between the house of Saul and the house of David: but David waxed stronger and stronger, and the house of Saul waxed weaker and weaker.

In short, the House of Saul represents

Profe$$ional, Organized, Institutionalized, and Pharisaical Christianity which starts off semi-decent but declines because the outward is emphasized. The House of David represents the Bride of Christ with a perpetual heart for God and overcoming, contagious ZEAL, and though small and despised, the inward is emphasized. And there is LONG WAR BETWEEN THE TWO. 

Samuel is a prophet. Revelation says that the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. We have a “more sure word of prophecy” in the scriptures. One of my all-time favorite passages is: 

Numbers 11:29 And Moses said unto him, Enviest thou for my sake? would God that all the LORD'S people were prophets, and that the LORD would put his spirit upon them!

Amos 3:7 says the Lord will do nothing except He reveal His secret to His servants the prophets. 

Now contrary to popular belief, the “office” of prophet is not being handed out today (the church is built upon the foundation of apostles/prophets per Eph.2:20). But God wants us all as “prophets” in the sense of being “in the know” and keeping our hand on the pulse of what God is doing and like John, in the bosom of Christ, hearing His heartbeat, LOVING JESUS SUPREMELY. <3

The House of David realizes that heaven will not be a fishing trip vacation BUT EVERYTHING IN HEAVEN CRIES OUT CHRIST. The House of David wants this NOW. 

So, our focus passage. Samuel (Prophet/Seer) informs Saul: “…Stand thou still a while, that I may shew thee the word of God.” I feel this scream in my spirit every time we deal with the House of Saul. They CANNOT SIT STILL and usually refuse to answer questions (!) that would “question mark” hook and draw out the spirit of error!!!! If you can get one to sit still and study the scriptures, LIGHT WOULD SPRING FORTH. The House of Saul is very INCONSISTENT. They devolve and spiral down and lend themselves to apostasy. The House of David grows in faith, zeal, love for God, etc.  If the House of David fails, they FAIL FORWARD and press, press, press as an overachiever/ overcomer. The House of Saul cannot be loyal to Christian family, loyal to brotherhood, loyal to a local bona fide church, loyal to Christ's calling, addicted to the ministry of the saints (1 Cor. 16:15), consistently growing spiritually, etc. They have to keep moving and are given to change like New Athenians. Saul spirals southwardly sinning and sinking.

Consistency. Something the House of David has and the House of Saul CANNOT have. Saul will never break the Habits of Ahab and will fall under the Spell of Jezebel. You might say, they cannot ENDOR unto the end (hint hint). 

Speaking of witch, Which are you today? I love how Saul of Tarsus (Saul means “asked for”) became PAUL OF JESUS (Paul means “small.”). In this humility and lowliness, Paul became a NOBODY ON EARTH yet great in the sight of heaven and will shine for Jesus ALL ETERNITY. How about you? Want the prestige and to be first NOW and LAST later – or be LAST now and FIRST later? Want your name written IN HEAVEN or IN EARTH? Jesus so aptly uttered that THE FIRST SHALL BE LAST, AND THE LAST FIRST. How about YOU today? God is fixing to FLIP THE SCRIPT. Buckle those Bible Belts.

Sometime 'tween NOW and NOW, Settle down, Stand thou Still, See the Scriptures, and Spiritually Shift from House of Saul to DAVID, -r <3


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