Wow. My Lord just really moves so MIGHTLY in my life! NOONE can EVER tell me that my Saviour does not exist or work in his followers lives!
I'm going to share some AMAZING things God just did last Thursday night. I'm talking AMAZING things.
It was just a
normal night in the life of a true Christ-like Christian. Just a
typical evening out with my family. And when you're a radical, crazy, God fearing, Satan hating, holy living, and set apart Christian, well, let's just say "normal" or "typical" may just not be really all that "normal" or "typical"!
Here's the story:
Before heading out with my Dad, sis, and brother to go out with our Granny I made a point to stock my purse with a ton of Gospel "chick tracts" (
I handed quite a bit out at the restaurant we ate at and then we headed to the grocery store to shop. On the way, as we were stopped at a red light, we spotted some Mormon boys on bikes stopped on the a sidewalk next to us. (You can easily recognize them with their white shirts, black pants, and -of course- their bicycles).
"Preach to them Hope!" My Dad encouraged (he would've gladly preached but they were on my side of the car and let's just say it wouldn't of went over well with my Granny if he'd preached into her ear!). "Tell them to repent of their "holy" underwear!" He said. I heartedly agreed, rolled down my window, and began to preach, "Repent of your "holy" underwear!" They began to look wildly around trying to figure out who was yelling at them. "Joseph Smith was a false Prophet! You need to repent before you go to hell forever!"
We noticed a lady in the car next to us laughing hysterically and the Mormon boys looked as confused as ever. As we pulled around the corner I left them with a few more words, "REPENT! We LOVE you enough to warn you!" They waved politely and even looked a little amused.
Then we pulled into the store's parking lot and then my Dad said, "Hey, do we have a Mormon chick tract on us?" I did not have one but my Dad quickly found one (it's called "The Visitors"). So of course, having a passion for the lost and wanting to see them saved, we decided to go hunt them down and give them the gospel tracts. After driving a little ways we noticed them stopped on the side of the road (I think God had them stop for some reason because they were just standing there by the side of the road for no apparent reason). I got out of the car, jumped over the guard rail and handed the tracts to them. My siblings said that they looked a little annoyed to see me
"If we're crazy enough to come all the way back here and give you these gospel tracts then we MUST be the real thing!" I told them. They just smiled and then one of the Young guys handed me one of their "Mormon tracts" to which I extracted a promise from them that if I read their "tract" they'd promise to read my gospel tracts. They promised and then one guy goes, "Are you a Jehovah Witness?"
"NO! I'm a Christian!"
"But JWs are Christians." He said with a confused look on his face.
"No they're not! They're a cult!"
"But we're Christians."
"No you're not! Y'all are a cult too, and you guys need to see that, repent, and get right before it's too late!" I shook both their hands, they thanked me, and we headed off (we were parked IN THE STREET with the flashers on so we kind had to hurry and get out of there! ha ha).
Then we headed back to the store. As we were heading in we met a guy who my Dad has been giving tracts to for years (since before we were born- they used to work together) and now us kids carry on the "tradition" by giving him a new chick tract every time we see him. Only this time I'd prayed earlier that I'd see him that night (he's an undercover cop and you don't always know when he'll be there) so I could encourage him to not only just
read the tracts but
heed them, repent, and get right with God. The Lord answered that prayer! Praise God! So I told him that testimony and then we gave him several new chick tracts and told him the "Mormon story" which he thought was very funny. Then as we went off to shop I went to hand this one black gentlemen a tract and he was ANGRY! (I believe the Devil tries to blow you're fire out when he sees you excited about God moving by sending discouragement! Only the guy didn't get me down.) "You are harassing me!" The man yelled.
"No." I countered. "I love you enough to warn you!"
"You don't love me!"
"Yes I do!"
"I'm a Christian and I don't appreciate what you're trying to do. You should just let everyone do their own thing!"
"If you were a TRUE Christian you'd be very happy that a girl tried to hand you a gospel tract." I ended and he stormed off. I only smiled, shook my head, and continued shopping/handing gospel tracts out.
A neat testimony: When we were in the self check out I passed a guy a tract I then noticed that the guy next to him looked really disappointed that I didn't give him one. So out of the kindness of my heart I (Of course!) gave him one to which he really excitedly received with much gratitude. :) I don't think I ever had someone act that enthusiastic about getting a gospel tract.
So I had almost achieved my goal of handing all my gospel tracts out but I had one Spanish tract left and I had been searching EVERYWHERE for at least one Spanish person to pass it too. It was kinda strange because normally we see a lot of Hispanics at this store but we were seeing NONE. We got out to the car (I still had my eyes peeled to the parking lot looking for one Spanish person) and then my Granny realized that we didn't buy drinks so she sent my sis and I back in. "Great!" I told my sister. "This probably means the Lord has a Spanish person just sitting in there waiting for this tract." My sis smiled and agreed. So as we got the drinks I kept my eyes wide open for a Spanish person. Still none. :( By now I was a tad disappointed. But I still had that flicker of faith that God would bring that Hispanic to me! :) Then we got to the car and I sat down and looked right over and in the car next to me was... guess... A SPANISH GUY! Okay, I admit it, I think I was a little overly excited because the guy's face was priceless when I jumped out of the car and ran right up to his window with a HUGE smile spread across my face. :) (His window was down, Praise the Lord, even though it was cooler out.) Ha ha
"Do you speak Spanish?" I asked excitingly.
"Yes...." He looked confused.
"Well God has your number!" I said to the man. He looked, well, I guess "shocked" would be an appropriate word. And I told him the entire testimony and then gave him the gospel tract.
"I might be the wrong guy." He said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because I have a question that needs to be answered." I was all ears.
"What is it?"
"Well, if God created everybody why is there different races of people?"
So I took him into Noah's flood, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the tower of Babel where God confounded the languages, etc. He was very pleased with the answer, and that done he then listened and agreed as I took him through the ten commandments, repentance from sins, and the Gospel. The Lord really opened his heart up and he was getting convicted! The conversation ended when his -not very happy looking- Jezebel wife came on the scenes. He still had some questions that needed to be answered but his wife wanted to go so I promised to pray for him and he gave me his business card.
Well, then, as I got to looking at the business card and it turns out that he actually works at the mall -where we WITNESS OFTEN- at a "toy helicopter" kiosk! The Lord sure is AMAZING! So now I will be able to -Lord willing- answer his questions next time we go to the mall! Praise be to God. :)
The rest of the night I and my sister were just bundles of pure passion (lol) chasing people down to witness to them or give them a Gospel tract. I did have another "Christian" try to discourage my sis and I from witnessing but we kinda shamed him into agreeing with us at the end. He was smoking a cigarette while judging us and claiming that we were too young to be out there witnessing at that time of night (my Dad was standing RIGHT NEXT TO US) and he said he'd be ASHAMED if his daughter was out there doing what we were doing! Wow.
Isn't strange that out of ALL the unbelievers I talked to that night the WORST discouragement I got was from supposed "Christians" and the best encouragement I got was from unbelievers!
Man. This lukewarm Church is turning out to be WICKED. I DO NOT blame God for wanting to SPUE them out of His mouth. I would do the same!
So, all in all, The Lord moved mighty! We were joking by the end of the night saying "And who ever said living for the Lord is not exciting?!"
It is EXCITING to follow Jesus! NO TURNING BACK FOR ME!!!!
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