Yesterday we went to a local pizza buffet for lunch/dinner and as we got there we noticed that it was VERY crowded. We just figured that it was probably "Church People" eating before they went to their assembly. (Seeing it was a Sunday evening.)
So when we got in there I felt like the Lord wanted me to hand these three teens sitting at a table some gospel tracts (that were aimed at teenagers), to which they received kinda half heartedly.
We then continued to hear them make fun of the tracts for about 15 minutes until they all went to the game room to play some games. Then after a little bit, as they walked by, I just so happened to look up at the very moment one of the girls was passing by and she said to my face (but talking to her friends), "Look! She's judging me with her eyes!" So of course I took that as my queue to go over there and talk to them. I hurriedly swallowed my bite of pizza and headed over there (very much conscience of the fact that my braces were filled with pieces of pizza!). I know God uses you in your weaknesses and having a mouth full of braces stuffed with pizza while getting to share the Good News of the Gospel isn't that much of a trial! ha ha
"Hey!" I said walking up to their table. They looked slightly taken aback and shocked that I had come up to their table. My sis said that maybe they thought that I wanted to fight with them or something. (Of course I was ready to fight SPIRITUALLY!) "So," I continued. "I hear y'all over here enjoying the tracts I gave y'all." I was being a little sarcastic at that moment. They kind of laughed and then I said, "So what do y'all think about them?"
"Well," The main speaker for them all began (a Bleached blonde with pink stripes streaked through her hair). "I'm just not really into it all."
"Okay. So did you guys grow up in any kind of religion?"
The bleached hair one said "no" and that she was just "spiritual" now, but the other two said, "Pentecostal."
"So now that you're older are you more or less involved with the Pentecostals?"
"Less." They both agreed. "Besides, we're Lesbians now."
Now it was my turn to be shocked! I had NO CLUE that they were Lesbians! They weren't dressed like ones or even acting like they were "gay" but they were. Wow. Crazy, wicked, and weird world. Turns out it was like a whole "School event" or something where a bunch of teens (mostly Lesbians) went to an Opera Show. But now a days you really can't tell the difference between "Church People" and The world so that's why we figured it was probably a youth group or something. As a matter of fact most of those unbelievers were actually dressed more modestly than most of the "Christians" today anyways! (Wearing dresses and all.)
I ended up taking them through the four of the ten commandments, what God thinks about the "gays" (Genesis 13:13), repentance from sins, walking in holiness and purity, and the Gospel. Two of the girls (the bleached blonde and the one who claimed that I was "judging her with my eyes") were really hard, but Praise the Lord the other girl was getting VERY convicted and agreeing with me. If she only gets saved from all of that it will be totally worth it! But I pray they all do.
"So why did you even come over here? What caused you to come and talk to us?" The blonde asked.
"Because I LOVE YOU enough to WARN you!" I declared passionately.
The convicted girl got tears in her eyes when I said that. Praise God!
Then the one girl (who claimed I was judging) went over to one of their guardians and told them that I was, quote, "preaching at them" and got two EXTREME Jezebels to come over there and basically send me back to my table. "You need to go back over there and eat!" The Jezebel said rudely. I quickly wrapped up and told the girls I was praying for them. My sisters then heard her over there asking the bleached blonde girl what I had been saying to them. "Oh she basically just told us we're going to hell!" She said indifferently. Wow. That really summed up all what I said! ha ha Then the Jezebel basically proceeded to "un-brainwash" the poor "victims" telling them to not read that "garbage" (referring to the tracts). Though the convicted girl did continue to read hers after that! :) I then heard the Jezebel go back to the "adult table" and tell the other adults that, quote, "That kind of Christianity DEEPLY offends me!" All I could think was, "Well that means I'm doing it right! Praise God! Blessed are you when men shall hate you for righteousness's sake!"
Then all the teen girls gathered around my table and began to mock the tracts, the Gospel, Christianity, and then act very wicked and vulgar by mock "proposing" to each other with some plastic rings they'd bought in a toy vending machine. Then one girl goes, "Well Isn't it like the Christians to eat salad!" Because my sisters and I were all eating salad at that moment (though we did eat pizza before). LOL Seriously?
I thought that that was hilarious that they'd think Christians are "HEALTH freaks" or something. I mean we do recognize our body as the temple of the Lord so we do take care of ourselves, but I'm sure we went to a PIZZA BUFFET just to get SALAD! ha ha
So, all in all I'm glad that God used me to be a light to those VERY dark teenagers (my peers! wow.) and I pray that those seeds were not planted in vain.
Praise God! Have a great night. :)
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