Hey y'all! I hope you all are doing great, and I'm doing wonderful. :)
It is well with my soul.
As you know my passion in life (next to Jesus) is witnessing and street preaching. I want to encourage you all by this short post about "when is it a good time to witness?"
The Bible says in
2 Timothy 4:2 to
"Preach the word; be instant (which means be "ready") in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine."
So when is it a good time to witness? IN SEASON and OUT OF SEASON!
God has been challenging me of late to witness WHEREVER I am and in WHATEVER I'm doing. Even at restaurants, parks, stores, etc. If we just witness when we plan to (i.e. "Evangelism night") than how are we being "instant" or "ready" to preach at anytime?
If I hadn't witnessed to those girls at the pizza buffet then how would they of gotten the gospel? Oh I could of used lots of excuses: "But God, I'm eating right now! Besides I just witnessed the other night and you used me!" or "They look like a bunch of snotty teenagers. What if they make fun of me? What if they stare at me the rest of the time we're there? What if they tell the other teenagers there and they ALL make fun of me!" I could of even said, "Who witnesses at a restaurant of all things! That's CRAZY!"
But instead of making excuses I just crucified my resistant flesh and I talked to them, and I KNOW the Lord used it!
I witness every time we go to our local "skate park" (I like to long board and my Dad and brothers skate board). Yes it can be a little awkward walking up to a group of SKATER teenagers of all things, but it's ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS worth it. (And I do have some "tricks" up my sleeve on getting them to talk- I like to ask them to show me their best trick because skaters LOVE to show off! ha ha)
Even the last time we were there I encountered a guy who I'd already witnessed to and who was under HEAVY conviction and he STILL was convicted and very open to talking to me some more and receiving more gospel tracts. It's amazing! And then as I was witnessing to another guy he skated up holding a gospel tract in his hand and said,
"Hey! I'm so sorry but that guy threw your booklet on the ground so I went over there and picked it up for you." He looked so sad for me that they had done that!
I was like, "Oh don't worry about it they do that all the time."
And then he said, "Well, do you want it back?"
"No, you can keep it!" "Then this unsaved teenager tried to hand the gospel tract to the guy I was witnessing to (though he didn't need one because I had already loaded him down so the other guy just kept it). I thought, "Wow. He has more boldness than most Christians I know!" He was even telling other kids to take tracts from me and shaming them into it by saying, "You need to respect her! It's a booklet about Jesus!"
Yes, there's LOTS of JOY in witnessing! ha ha :) I would rather witness and street preach than do anything else! (Besides other things for the Lord- obviously. I'm talking about anything else that's carnal or fleshly.) Yes, I do go to the park to long board but I almost always end up witnessing and passing out tracts more than I actually long board. Because when I get to heaven God's not going to give me rewards for accomplishing a "Walk the plank" while speeding down a hill at 45 miles an hour and then transferring to a "hang ten" while doing long board "dancing"! lol
Eternal stuff (and souls) are what matter most to me. Bodily exercise only profits me little. I'm not looking for the praise of men; I really don't care. If they think I stink at long boarding- let them! If they hate me for talking to them about eternal stuff- oh well! If they think I'm SOOO weird for long boarding in a skirt- too bad!
I also witness while playing basketball (have you ever taken someone through the ten commandments while playing around the world? ha ha It was mind boggling!).
I witness at restaurants (just Friday night -after a BLESSED night of preaching -I got to talk to a table of Christians who were really challenged and encouraged- Praise God!).
I witness at stores (especially Malls!).
I witness when we're on vacation (I don't consider it a "vacation" away from God or witnessing).
So really, ANYTIME is a GOOD time to witness.
Get out there and reach the lost! You will NEVER regret it I promise you that.
"It's not, 'How can I share my faith.' It's, 'How can I NOT share my faith!'" -Mark Cahill
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