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God Answers Prayer! ❤️❤️❤️
Wow!!!!!! I JUST said, “God sure does answer prayer!” At the top of my exhortation (about prayer!) today!!!! God is soooooo amazing!!!! Amen! -Hope ❤️❤️❤️
Dear Dad’s (Randall Hartinger) VITAL INFO Today. ENJOY!
12/16 Daily Exhortation (Matt.6:11; Luke 11:3; Heb.3:13; 10:25)…
This 12/16, let’s read TWEEN the text and GLEAN from this 12:16, shall we?
Acts 12:16 (KJB) But Peter continued knocking: and when they had opened the door, and saw him, they were astonished.
The day this was written was a day of ASTOUNDING signs from the ALMIGHTY for lowly, miry mud in the Maker's hand. We had been in THIRD HEAVEN metaphorically-speaking. Long story for another time. But when GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS in a way we never deemed possible, why are we so astonished? <3
Okay, first off, folks misunderstand Peter greatly and he is quite slandered. For example, many say Peter denied the Lord because HE WAS AFRAID. This is SIMPLY NOT THE CASE. Peter only feared the Lord ALONE. Peter wasn't afraid of ANYTHING!!!!
Remember that Jesus told his disciples to buy a sword? They said there were two swords. Jesus said this was enough. That is only 17% out of 12 disciples, so they were not serious, sword-totin’ swordsmen. Sorry, Republicans. But Peter was accurate. Remember, he took off Malchus’ ear in the garden with laser accurate pinpoint precision! Peter was a FIGHTER. And Jesus healed it and said to Peter, “Put up thy sword in his place.” This made Peter ANGRY. See, Peter had an anger besetting sin and IN THAT ANGER, He denied the Lord and cursed. This whole denial period lasted possibly less than an hour and he wept with godly sorrow unto repentance.
Jesus had prophesied that Satan would sift them all, but He prayed that Peter would keep his faith and then strengthen the brethren. Why pray he’ll keep the faith? Because that is the big temptation. Out of anger, denying the Lord. Many get angry and deny the Lord. It is a wicked thing to do.
Every. Single. Time. Period. And in every single time period.
Okay, fast forward to Acts 12. Herod had stretched forth his hand to vex certain of the church. He beheaded the APOSTLE James (brother of the Apostle John). Peter, James, and John are the “inner three” we like to call them. Peter and John are the “inner two.” John is the inner ONE. By the way (and watch these goofy cults springing up today), there are NO MORE APOSTLES running around. Eph.2:20 says that the church is built upon the FOUNDATION of the apostles/prophets. So, the church doesn’t try and replace James here (like they did in Acts 1 with Matthias - HINT HINT). So, God allowed the apostle James to be beheaded. And now Herod apprehends Peter. The church “thinks” that Peter will be killed as well. So, why are they praying 24/7? THEY ARE PRAYING THAT PETER WILL NOT GET ANGRY AND DENY THE LORD. Plain and simple. Period. Why? This is the notorious sin of Peter as prophesied by Jesus.
Thusly, God answers the prayer that Peter NOT DENY HIM, but He answers it IN AN ASTONISHING WAY!!!!! God BUSTS PETER OUT OF PRISON. Well, GLORY!!!!! They were not a “faithless church” as many falsely accuse. They were the HOLY GHOST NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH OF ACTS for crying out loud!!! Peter’s shadow was healing folks. Carnal husband/wife conspirators were dropping dead in Peter’s presence. Their concern was a repeat of what Peter had already done. They were concerned “the old man” would arise.
So, have you not seen God answer prayers IN THE MOST ASTONISHING WAY? Lord knows WE have. It was hard to believe too. Sometimes God delivered us IN A WAY WE WOULD HAVE NEVER CHOSEN. But Father knows best.
Pray, fast, seek, spirit, soul, body, ask seek, knock, PRESS IN. But know that God will answer in an ASTONISHING way at times and this is to the PRAISE OF HIS GLORY!!!! Love you all and I exhort you to have INCREASED FAITH and may God answer your prayers ASTONISHINGLY, -r <3
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