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Dad’s exhortation today 💙 One Body In Christ
Have a great night!!! 💙
Dear Dad’s VITAL teaching. Check the vitals.
How are YOU serving Christ’s body?
12/20 Daily Exhortation (Matt. 6:11;Luke 11:3; Heb.3:13;10:25)…
This 12/20, learn plenty from this 12:20...
1 Corinthians 12:20 (KJB) But now are they many members, yet but one body.
The church is called the House of the Lord, the PILLAR AND GROUND OF THE TRUTH (1 Tim. 3:15)… The church is “Bethel” in type or the HOUSE OF GOD…
Now a “threefold cord is not quickly broken” per Ecclesiastes. So, we are individually God’s house, the local church is God’s house, and then there is the universal body that transcends the temporal over the past 2000 years. YOU REALLY NEED ALL THREE. Most today have “thrown in the towel” on the local church. SHAME. SHAME. SHAME to the 666th power. 666. SICK SICK SICK. I realize a BONA FIDE BRIDE LOCAL church is like diamonds (yea, and far above rubies), but House of David, trust God to formulate in a regional, concrete, tangible way at least two or three gathered together in His name! It will not be the steeple house social club “body turned to busine$$” harlot so championed by the House of Saul!!!
But let’s talk about Bethel. Beth means “House” and “El” means “God.” So, Bethel means “House of God.” The phrase “House of God” is in the Bible 90 times. That’s how many times Holy Ghost is found. Why? We are called to be “the TEMPLE OF THE HOLY GHOST” (1 Cor. 6:19). But always watch those PLURALS IN A KING JAMES. YE are the temple. It does not say THOU ART the temple. Thusly, the whole local church is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Jesus referred to His own body as a temple in John 2…
If you study Tabernacle Typology and Sanctuary Symbolism, don’t miss this. Every piece points to CHRIST, HIS WORD, and HIS BODY/LOCAL CHURCH. That’s right. Go study and learn ye what that meaneth. When you read of sockets and coupled pieces all joining together in that temple, think of how in the local church, EVERY JOINT SUPPLIES (Eph.4). Get the joints and jewel references in Song of Solomon and you’ll begin to SCRIPTURALLY SCAFFOLD into something SYMMETRICALLY GLORIOUS, yet so simple!
Note our focus passage is chapter 12. 12 in Bible Numerics points to the 12 tribes of Jacob/Israel. The local church (though we haven’t replaced Israel) is typified by Israel. We are the “Israel of God” (Gal. 6:16) in a double application. SOOOO, 1 Corinthians 12 is sandwiched strategically. Chapter 11 deals with COMMUNION. Chapter 12 deals with the local church. Chapter 13 deals with CHARITY which always emphasizes the LOCAL CHURCH. If you forsake the local church, you forsake FERVENT CHARITY. And chapter 14 deals with HOW TO BEHAVE YOURSELF IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD (in other words, how to behave in the local assembly decently and in order).
Watch this (watch the 12) parallel:
Romans 12:5 (KJB) So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
Ephesians 4 says Jesus has ONE BODY. So again, THE PRINCIPLE OF THE THREE. Individual, local, and universal. If you don’t want to be QUICKLY BROKEN by Satan, you better trust, as much as lieth in you, for ALL THREE.
Being put out of or Holy Ghost smoked out of a local church is not a good place to be (contrary to popular opinion). In this age of pathetic, apathetic, indifferent ignorance, most say, “I don’t know and I don’t care.” Well, you will care when you stand before God, but for now – join the multitudes. I beg your pardon, but all those verses on the local church (we’ve touched a few) are not Holy Ghost rhetoric/parsley on the plate for you to pitch in the waste-pail. See the Bible and/or the Judgment(s) for details.
Are you “addicted” to the ministry of the saints/the firstfruits/the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 16:15)? How are YOU serving Christ’s body this day? -r <3
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