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Eve: The Mother of all Living
I LOVE my Dad’s teachings on Adam and Eve, and THEIR name being called Adam, and any teachings against Jezebels for that matter.
Great word from Dad, y’all! :) -Hope 💙
Dear Dad’s teaching this day. Hope you're as BLESSED as I was!
EVEryone, as in EVErybody, came from EVE…
03/20 DAILY EXHORTATION (Heb. 3:13;10:25;Matt.6:11;Luke 11:3)
There’s PLENTY this 3/20 in the following 3:20…
Genesis 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
Note that ADAM called his wife “Eve.” God called her something else. God called her after her husband. God called her “ADAM.”
Acts 5:2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
The King James Bible establishes the precedence here. The NKJV says “mankind” there. WRONG. God called her “ADAM.” A woman, unless affected and wholly leavened by the Femi-Nazi Jezebels (ahem), takes on the name of the MAN when she marries. Eve is a type of the Bride of Christ/the church (Eph. 5). Adam is a type of Christ (1 Cor. 15). Our life is HID IN CHRIST (Col. 3:3). Note the 33 there as it was age 33 when Christ laid down His life for His Bride. Adam went into a deep sleep (death) and was pierced in his side for His bride as well. The disciples are called CHRISTIANS (Acts 11) because we take on HIS NAME. That is, if we are BIBLICAL ABOUT IT. Things are pretty calm until you start getting BIBLICAL.
But Adam called her “Eve.” There is an interesting construction here (planned by God Who is more Sovereign than WE EVER DEEMED POSSIBLE). E in English gematria is 5. V=5 in Roman Numerals. So, a bit encrypted, but “EVE” has a 555 construction. 5 is death in Bible numerics. And, “Christ” is 555 times in the Bible. Also, “Love” in all its forms is 555 times in the Bible. Adam died for his Bride. Christ was ready to die from His youth up as the Psalmist so aptly prophesied.
God did an amazing thing (among so many countless times) once with us. See, we have a daughter named Havilah named after Gen. 2:11 and connected to the Garden of Eden. We started calling her “Hava” as a nickname and spelling it just like that. Well, fast forward a year or so. I was one day curious as to the Hebrew word for “Eve” and LO AND BEHOLD, IT IS “HAVA.” Ahhhh. Jesus thought of EVERYTHING. Hava means LIFE. Yes. Our names are SOVEREIGNLY ORDAINED. She was born 7/3, and her name is a 7/3 construction (Havilah Joy). On and on! INFINITE GLORY TO THE KING IMMORTAL, ETERNAL: JESUS!
Eve was bone of Adam’s bones, his 5th rib. There is more but I will forbear for now.
God is the Master Wordsmith and the Master of Triple Entendres, etc. For example, it says that “Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all” (Galatians 4:26). We know that paradise Eden was translated to the 3rd heaven (2 Cor. 12 contrasted with Rev. 2:7; 22:2,14, Ezekiel 31:16,18; Luke 23:43; Matt. 12:40, etc.). So, God makes Eve typify the church, the Israel of God, and Zion above, etc. Just… WOW. I love, love, love this Jesus walk and this Jesus talk in this King Jesus Bible!!!!!
Eve is your mother. When you become prodigal, a lost sheep, a lost coin (Luke 15), the devil becomes your father (John 8:44, etc. ). It is important to get re-conciled and re-deemed by the blood of Jesus via the Gospel of the grace of God...
Where do you trace YOUR lineage this day? Don’t deny your roots, and don’t try to hold on to your name. Is it written in HEAVEN or simply in earth to pass away? Take on Christ’s name and identify with Eve hid in the Last Adam this day, -r <3
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