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This is something Jesus has laid on my heart lately. I hope it will be encouraging and enlightening, Saints!
There are a lot of those these days.
What creates losers?
Let’s take a look into the intellect of a Christian young lady who was raised to be critically minded, analytical, logical, and level -headed. If you were to step into my shoes (whether it is my cowgirl boots, ballet shoes, or sneakers), and look through my glasses, this is my perspective…
Patriarchy is about near gone. Jezebels rule and reign in the land and everywhere men have just flat given up (super, super sad). What are we surrounded with? A lousy bunch of Losers! Losers give up fighting. Losers give up on the call of God on their lives. Losers lay the sword down, go to sleep, and stay drunk. Losers give in to devils and the world and the flesh. Losers let Jezebels run them (or they are Jezebels). Losers don’t prove truth, but would rather let lies prevail in their lives. Losers don’t care about purity: pure doctrine, pure speech, pure churches, and pure people. Losers are abusive to people and cruelly unloving. Losers are fake hypocrites and serious time Pharisees. Losers act like immature little kids. Losers think that they know more than older and wiser people (when they really don’t!). Losers are unfaithful and never loyal. What happens to losers in the end? They lose.
Me? I am not a loser. I have been trained by my parents to fight strong, stay strong, and finish strong. I am not a quitter. I will not give up. I know what is true and I will hold to it until the rapture or dying end. Period. The narrow road is lonely, bloody, and rough but you just have to be tough. That is the normal Christian life (contrary to popular carnal/sinful Christian beliefs!). I will keep fighting and proving all the lousy losers out there wrong! What helped me learn this kind of resolve? A Patriarch! A real life, rare, strong, and holy Patriarch: My Dad.
My Dad is a winner, a fighter, and a strong Warrior for the right ways of Jesus. Dad stands in the gap, fights the grid, runs hard after Jesus, and wields the sword of the Word skillfully. He loves Jesus and truth and it is so evident all over his countenance. He loves his family and has brought us up to be mighty warriors for Jesus. He prays for us, supports us, and backs us up. Dad is extremely logical, level- headed, balanced, and truthful. He has always taught us how to be analytical and critical, how to have righteous judgment, and how to actually USE your brain and THINK about things. Dad always thinks objectively and proves absolute truth. He teaches in a precise, coherent, understandable, cogent, and clear manner. He hammers things out on the word of God, and has done so for decades now. He has a call from God, and he sticks with it through all the persecution and bloody battles (and traitorous losers that we have unfortunately been acquainted with).
What happens to strong and Faithful and loyal Patriarchs? Satan goes after them! STRONGLY. SATAN ALWAYS AIMS HIGH! That’s his goal. He’s not wasting his precious time with the pathetic, lukewarm (spue) Church today. He’s already got them wrapped around his slimy sulphur finger. He’s going after the GOLD! HE HAS TO BRING THE STRONGEST SAINTS DOWN!!!!!
What is Satan’s choice weapon? Well, Jezebels first and foremost (of course). Stinky, sulphur -pants witches are some of the slimiest, most selfish, cruel, abusive humans that have ever shamed the earth with their presence. These witches are SOOOOOOO filthy; makes me feel like throwing up. But Satan also has another choice weapon: SLANDER. Did you know that the word “Devil” actually means slanderer? Lies, railings, and slanders are REALLY easy to come up with, but very hard to defend and untie the crazy knots. And nasty, sinful, gross, hypocritical, Pharisee, selfish pigs LOVE to lie about real holy Christians!!! THEY LOVE TO LIE AND THEY LOVE TO BELIEVE LIES!!! And we know that in the last days God Himself will send strong delusions that they should believe a lie (2 Thess. 2: 1-12). Scary, scary, scary stuff, y’all!!! So what’s the biggest double whammy? Satan decided to mix Jezebels and Slander together! And this is what happens all the time, People.
My Dad (as a patriarch) has experienced quite a bit of slander. I’ve known some really cruel and abusive people (and supporters of nasty abusive and cruel people!) who have lied about my Dad and said that HE is abusive! What?! Wow. My Dad is my protector! When faced with devil-possessed maniacs (as we have encountered repeatedly) Dad is the man that I hide behind and trust to defend me and truth! Actually, since I have *personally* known some really creepy, porn-addicted, lustful (and not loving), women- abusing, selfish, hiding, pig guys, I am SOOOOO glad to actually know a man that I CAN ACTUALLY trust! How many of you can say that you have come out to your Dad (or Husband) studying deep Bible gems or on his knees praying in the middle of the night?! Yeah, exactly. Porn- watchers are ABUSIVE TO WOMEN. PERIOD. REAL MEN (Patriarchs like my Dad) LOVE women and seek to protect, defend, and fight for them. REAL Warriors (like my Dad) spiritually FIGHT against NASTY filthy porn-watchers and people who SUPPORT nasty filthy porn- watchers. REAL MEN (like my Dad) spiritually fight against filthy Jezebels and their WICKED ways. REAL MEN (like my Dad) STAND WHEN ALL FALL. Since my Dad IS a REAL MAN, this is the very reason why NO MAN will ever win my heart without winning Jesus’ AND my Dad’s FIRST. Why? Because my DAD IS A PATRIARCH and knows how to teach men how to be one (most just don’t listen or care- unfortunately). YOU CANNOT HAVE ME WITHOUT MY DAD. ANY ENEMY OF MY DAD IS MY ENEMY, AND ANY FRIEND OF MY DAD’S IS ALSO MY FRIEND. That’s just the way it goes, folks. Sorry (and get over it, Losers!). Any man worth his salt should emulate my Dad as he follows Christ, as my Dad is an AWESOME example of what a man should be! I’m so thankful and blessed and happy to have my Dad. (Stop being jealous. losers! That’s nasty.)
As I’ve said before, I LIVE WITH MY DAD. YOU. DO. NOT.
WE ARE NOT FAKE (just because YOU ARE!!!!!). Believe it or not, God really does have a remnant out there that ACTUALLY PRACTICES what they preach! There really are Sold out, passionate, God-fearing, HOLY, Christians in this world! Some people actually love Jesus and desire to serve Him with all of their hearts. Some people actually spend all their time studying the Bible and living for Jesus (and not watching sinful movies, listening to fleshly music, and staying passively entertained and devil- possessed). Sure, you can project all day. That’s just the same story every time (you got anything original, people?!). How about actually FIXING YOUR problems instead of PRETENDING AND PROJECTNG them on to good people!!!! That would be nice.
I back up, pray for, stand behind, and support my Dad (and any REAL MEN/PATRIARCHS out there). I DO NOT BACK UP LOSERS. In the end, truth WILL prevail, and we WILL overcome the accuser of the brethren by the word of our testimony (Revelation 12: 10-11). I’d rather be on the winning side. What about you? Are YOU a winner or a loser? Do you want to stand with Satan or Jesus? Rebels always love to side with the rebellious. As Dad would say: EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. PERIOD. And in every single time period.
It’s your choice, but you better choose wisely. Your very eternity could be at stake.
Don’t fall with the crowds. Y’all! Be a WINNER! God is looking for some people who will prove Satan, Jezebels, and sinful people wrong! He’s looking for some Patriarchs, some virtuous Women, and some sold-out Christians! Will you rise up and be a winner? Will you?! Or will you Prove Satan right and let him win (and let yourself be a loser)? Oh, God! Let not man prevail! (2 Chronicles 14:11)
In Christ, Hope Jerusalem Eve Hartinger
P. S. I have to say this for all those filthy liar spies/slanderers out there: I WROTE THIS BLOG POST! My Dad did NOT and he DID not make me write this!!!!!! If you don’t like it, Loser, then STOP reading my blog!
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How you feel about your dad is how I felt about mine. Everyone thinks I was “abused” simply because I had a holy-living dad who taught his family to live by scripture. A lot of people like to make things up about others because they’re jealous or trying to point fingers away from their own faults, I’ve learned. Just my two cents. π
Yes! I totally agree. Evil envy is a nasty thing! -Hope π
DeletePraise the Lord for good fathers!
ReplyDeleteAnd how sad that people are saying such evil things about your family :( sounds like they are just jealous?? They should be encouraged by that not get nasty.
Absolutely! Do you know that people have admitted that they’re jealous of us?! That’s crazy. -Hope π
DeleteThe *Truth* will come out in the end. Jesus knows who are His! Praise the Lord. Keep going sister!
ReplyDeleteOops it wasn't supposed to be anonymous it was supposed to be my name...
DeleteAmen!!!! -Hope πππ
DeleteAmen, dearest Hope! π πππ
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you! Exactly how I feel… like why do people seriously waste their time reading things they don’t even agree with?! (Get a life!)
Anyhow, great post & thoughts!
So thankful for a great Dad!
Exactly! When you’re not living for Jesus you don’t have a life. Period. Praise Jesus and thank you for the encouragement! -Hope πππ
DeleteExcellent, well worded post, Hope! π I totally agree with you! Can’t stand liars, and losers!
ReplyDeletePraise Jesus! People can be so disgusting, unfortunately.
DeleteWow! This is a great post! Great thoughts you have shared here & glad to have come across this! Thank You for sharing! This is a rare thing now. Amen!
ReplyDeletePraise Jesus! And thank you for the encouragement! πππ