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Jezebel!!! IMPORTANT to read!
VITAL. Dear Dad’s (Randall Hartinger) teaching today. BLESSED!
Will YOU Break the Habits of Ahab and the Spells of Jezebel?
09/7 DAILY EXHORTATION (Heb. 3:13; 10:25; Matt.6:11; Luke 11:3)
Here is a 9:7 meditation for 9/7...
2 Kings 9:7 (KJB) And thou shalt smite the house of Ahab thy master, that I may avenge the blood of my servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the LORD, at the hand of Jezebel.
Where are the Jehu’s of our day? Of course, this is an O.T. Theocracy passage and Jehu is anointed King of Israel and so our parallels are ALL SPIRITUAL as our weaponry as N.T. Christians IS NOT carnal, but spiritual (2 Cor. 10; Eph. 6, etc.). But we can certainly latch onto this passage nicely and make application.
Ahabs are men who are under the authority of their wives/women. Many a Man has failed the Primary Will of God call with a Christian wife towering over them! Jezebels are women who desire authority over men. There is a long war between a virtuous woman and a Jezebel woman, between a patriarchal man and an Ahab, and likewise Ahab versus virtuous women, and Jezebels versus patriarchal men. LOOOONG WAR.
But note the focus passage. The passive Ahab will experience a smitten house. And note that the Jezebels are going after God’s chosen leaders. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. PERIOD. And in every single time period.
Even the greatest prophet born of women (John the Baptist) had his head removed after encountering Jezebels. I knew of a Jezebel in court lying under oath against a patriarchal man in dozens of perjured lies and then after he WON the court case, she sent him a text saying she would take his head off! Sound familiar? Just so you know: The Jezebel Network never went away in Bible times.
The spiritual realm IS MORE REAL THAN THE NATURAL REALM. Paul said he could NOT tell whether he was in or out of his body when caught up to Heaven (2 Cor. 12) and Peter, when encountering an angel, was not sure if it was a vision and this is an apostle accustomed to visions! (Acts 10, 12). There is a VERY REAL WAR RAGING IN THE WORLD!
Just believe and do what is right, teach your family/others so, and watch the spiritual grid GET AMPED UP. Ahabs and Jezebels will COME OUT OF THE WOODWORK. Holy Ghost smoked PLUM OUT.
But note that God will avenge against these Juggernaut Jezebels. And behind EVERY JEZEBEL there lurks an AHAB.
Here is a beautiful lesson. Virtue is from the same word as “power” in the Bible. Thusly, a virtuous woman is a POWERFUL woman. There is something far more powerful than a Jezebel: a VIRTUOUS WOMAN.
Likewise, the whorish Jezebel woman of Proverbs 5 – it says her mouth drops honey and her end is “sharp as a two-edged sword.” Yet, the Bible is SWEETER than honey per Psalms 19 and SHARPER than any two-edged sword per Hebrews 4:12. So, Jezebel is NO MATCH for the word of God.
Will you be an AHAB or a PATRIARCH today? Will you be a JEZEBEL or a VIRTUOUS woman today?
Your seed/children/house/church will be affected by your decision. And allow Jezebels and Ahabs to influence your children and you will DISANUL your Proverbs 22:6 covenant!
Breaking the Habits of Ahab, and the Spells of Jezebel, -r <3
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Yes and indeed.